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Queen Bee
Nov 29, 2008
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Taken a few minutes ago - bird feeder attached to outside of kitchen window - this little chappie with an inordinately long beak - is this an overgrown beak?



yes its an overgrown beak. (evolution in progress - you just need to provide feed in vessels only it can reach and it and it's offspring will thrive).

on a less serious note - doesn't it look a tit with that stupid beak!
if really worried and you can catch it you can clearly see a notch where the beak should end and where you could apply the nail clippers!
if really worried and you can catch it you can clearly see a notch where the beak should end and where you could apply the nail clippers!

DIY stuff from somebody who ought to know better? It looks as though it might be managing to forage Ok but if you can catch it and take it to vet, that would be best please.
If it seems to be feeding OK I'd leave it well alone. Alternatively you could contact the RSPB for advice.
I've got a large nose - who are you calling a tit with a stupid beak ? bignose
I would leave it alone, It's not taken overnight to grow to this length and the bird seems to be coping.
I used to trim budgies beaks quite often and you would be amazed at how long the owners left it before seeking advice and the birds were never in bad nick.
One good thing about handling a budgie with an overgrown beak was that it couldn't bite you :) :)
Blue tit with a genetic abnormality.

No point in trying to catch it - the shock would probably kill it and the beak will regrow anyway. It seems to be managing fine.

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