Another theft!

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Field Bee
Mar 9, 2009
Reaction score
WBC/Smith/National/nucs in Horsham, West Sussex.
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Just got this email from our association:

"Hello All.

We have had reports yesterday of bees being stolen in the last few days in the Walderton and Marden area,
north west of Chichester.
In one instance only the brood box and bees were taken, and the other, a complete hive with bees, located fairly close
to a country lane was taken. They are obviously being taken by those knowing exactly what they are doing. We should
warn members to be vigilant, and indeed to ensure those living around where they have hives are aware that this is
going on, and if they see anything suspicious, to call the police on 0845 60 70 999 quoting crime number WC1/018356-11."
Yes, they seem to be on the increase of late.

I went over to one of my apiaries where I have 12 colonies yesterday and there were horse hoof marks all around the hives - I'm hoping it was someone on a saddle having a sticky beak rather than a precursor to a theft!
If you have hives and in numbers and notice horse shoe marks if you can afford it, buy an electric fence run by a car or leisure battery . Gallagher are the best ones to buy they jolt out a 8000 volt punch and if anyone touches it they will soon know what hits them but make sure you have warning signs around the fence then you wont get sued. The horse will not go near it because the energiser that powers the shock in short bursts gives off a click that you cant hear but the horse can . just a thought peeps i use them they are great especially if peeps are roaming around when they shouldn't be .:willy_nilly:
belinda bee,

Good idea, but the scum will even nick electric fence energisers and the battery is probaly worth a couple of quid at least, even as scrap!

Finding out whether the horses have riders is a good start.

Regards, RAB
Do you think the baddies are preparing for the coming season with all the newbees around that need equipment and bees?

Or do you reckon its the not so nice newbees who are realising the cost involved and don't want to spend the cash?
Or unscruplous old bees that have had high winter losses?

Or just plain scum that will nick anything saleable.

Mostly the latter option, I would think. All scum, anyway.

But, hey ho, keep an open mind until they are caught, convicted, and then decide.

Just to add to this a little , a former rbi has had some hives stolen from his apiary near Beaconsfield in Bucks in the last 7 days . I wont go into further details of exactly where for obvious reasons .

They got away with 2 out of 10 but left a floor in place on one of them , hopefully they didnt realise this until the hive was in the back of the car ! He is now in the difficult position of having to increase security or move the rest away . A real pain .

Or just plain scum that will nick anything saleable.

I know what you mean RAB but I cant help coming back to the thought that to get away with this without being stung you need kit and some awareness; to have a viable colony at the end of it to either use yourself or sell needs some understanding and skill and that sadly points more to 'one of our own' rather than ignorant scum.

Actually RAB, you're right, knowledgeable, but still scum!
i would have though that it is easy to nick colonies at night - gaffer tape the joins and across the entrance and then away you go.
The thieves are becoming hi-tec now they will be using google earth to pinpoint exact location of numbers of hives
They use it also to steal central heating oil.