On an allotment site should it be compulsory as a plot tenant with bee’s on the allotment site to have;
1) Public liability insurance.
2) Registration with BeeBase.
It depends what you have in the Rules, most just have poultry, bees and rabbits are allowed.
I think it would be highly recommended, that they have
1) Public liability insurance.
2) Registration with BeeBase.
(registration with a Local Association, and Member of BBKA), also I think it would be wise, that they have also demonstrated, and have Basic Assessment, and/or Mentor or Experienced Beekeeper. Also demonstrate they do not let their hives swarm.
Ensure that the Land Owner and/or Association Committee, grant permission for the siting of the hive, make sure bee flight paths are not across other peoples allotments, may use screening or fencing, for bees to gain height and fly over. Ensure the Beekeeper, has an Out-Apiary to move the hive to, just in case there are issues.
If none of this is in place, there are likely to be issues, in the future.
Just a few bits from our allotments, to which we have now removed the Bees! (not that we had any issues, other than people going up to the hives and watching, children banging the roofs, and children swatting the bees next to a pond on site!)