House Bee
Good luck with finding a new out apiary, at least your not near these idiots!!
You should ask, did they stop learning or, has someone stopped teaching. It's largely due to parenting!
Some of the kids I was at school with couldn't even recognise a stinging nettle!
Had some fun introducing them though.
I bet some poor, (overpaid) teacher has had to risk assess the likelihood of anaphylactic shock via nettle stings!
These days they all spend their time on f-book or the latest computer game, (the kids too)!
Good luck with finding a new out apiary, at least your not near these idiots!!
Oh my god. I hope karma catches up with that basket and he gets badly stung, you know, with him being allergic and all. Hateful man. Did you read those comments?! Some seriously thick people out there.[/QUOTE
I don't know about Karma ... I hope the remaining bees which are still in the wall (which this Knobhead Redneck loony tune knew nothing about) grew to mammoth proportions, the queen got mated with the worst Africanised bees in the Southern States and turned on him and his trailer park relatives as they were lighting their barbie with a gallon of high octane and stung him and his relllies to the point where THEY fell on their own flaming barbie and it incinerated the lot of them along with their property ...
Does that express my feelings strongly enough ? Its an old thread on that dreadful forum but I've made a mental note never to go there again ...
When I had my bees on an allotment, a couple who kept bees also decided they were going to take a frame of eggs from my hive, without asking, to check if their bees were Q-. They took a frame bang from the middle of the brood box and guess what? You guessed it, they took my queen. I was livid!
Good luck with finding a new out apiary, at least your not near these idiots!!
Good luck with finding a new out apiary, at least your not near these idiots!!
You should ask, did they stop learning or, has someone stopped teaching. It's largely due to parenting!
Some of the kids I was at school with couldn't even recognise a stinging nettle!
Had some fun introducing them though.
I bet some poor, (overpaid) teacher has had to risk assess the likelihood of anaphylactic shock via nettle stings!
These days they all spend their time on f-book or the latest computer game, (the kids too)!
Come now everyone - don't get your collective drawers in a knot - it was in america - not the real world!
The guy in question used walk around the ploy naked and was seen doing rude things to himself a couple of years ago. I
Yes let's hope hope it was very good apart from quiss packham. Haha
Well, if you walk around naked near to beehives, you have to expect a little prick
The haircut scared me