Hi everyone. I have five hives in the mountains of Switzerland at around 1200m, and the weather is still amazing, with temps around 10 degrees at night, and in the mid 20s during the day. Despite the apparent bliss, all five of the queen's seem to have disappeared and there is no brood in any of the frames (I have been away for a month). Does anyone have any idea what the hell is going on? The hives are full of bees, most of them have good stock of honey and pollen, and yet not a single sign of a queen or brood. I am utterly stumped. Is there a disease that only hits queens? How can all the queens be gone at the same time? Does anyone have any thoughts or ideas about the situation? Do I need to take some specific steps before putting new queens in? Would love anyone to enlighten me as I am totally stumped at the situation.