Affordable prewired assembled frames?

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I have a few of Murray’s frames and have had a few staples start to pull out of the head of the side bars if it’s in a very propolising hive.
Issue has been addressed.

Our bees here are very sparse propolisers and its an issue (the top bars coming off) we do not met a lot......but its an easy fix, and now with the side staple too all new stock should be fine. We also had the maker increase the staple length...for some reason they sometimes used shorter staples than specified.

To the issue or 'robust' handling. I used the term carefully instead of 'rough handling'. Rough can break anything...but in this case its more about rapid lifting of the top bars without pre loosening them, or shock loads coming on when the frame is heavy with honey... Everyone handl;es them differently and have different (such as heavy propolisers) circumstances. Should be better for all from now on.
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Issue has been addressed.

Our bees here are very sparse propolisers and its an issue (the top bars coming off) we do not met a lot......but its an easy fix, and now with the side staple too all new stock should be fine. We also had the maker increase the staple length...for some reason they sometimes used shorter staples than specified.

To the issue or 'robust' handling. I used the term carefully instead of 'rough handling'. Rough can break anything...but in this case its more about rapid lifting of the top bars without pre loosening them, or shock loads coming on when the frame is heavy with honey... Everyone handl;es them differently and have different (such as heavy propolisers) circumstances. Should be better for all from now on.
However..had an amusing e3xchange with a guy ordering some block wax yesterday..........just shows everyone thinks differently. Its a free world..why not.

Asked the price of the frames...saw some sitting here ready for a customers and when told declared them far too expensive.
He buys bulk frames in the sales, seconds, at 50p a frame and hand nails them all up. He then has a little hand mould and makes his own foundation, so the foundation is free. (Said the man paying me 14.00 kg for 100 kg of wax) So his frames only cost him 50p each. Having seen his very thick wax I reckon at 14.00 Kg he must be getting close to 1.00 for the wax. So around 1.50 with zero in other costs (although he still insists its only 50p) reality that's certainly well cheaper than us..ONLY if your labour is valued at zero.

I prefer the 'IAST' method of evaluating the worth of doing these menial tasks. Keep busy, Make sure you have plenty of these little tasks you MUST do, the beekeeper is never idle, cannot spare time for other things, and the job expands to fit the time available. IAST = Ikea Avoidance Strategic Tasks
Only important if you have a partner who likes these trips into purgatory and wants you to go too.

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