Aberdeen Beekeeper.. not quite the north pole but close enough brrr

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New Bee
Feb 7, 2013
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I have been keeping bees since I was 9, my father gave me my first hive. He's still around making sure I do things the right way.. well what the head beekeeper dictates as being right... four beekeepers having a discussion there will always be five solutions etc..

So I've got quite a few years of experience, I look after three home apiary sites in Aberdeenshire.

I'm also on the Aberdeen and district beekeepers association committee, we are currently changing the association home apiary site from Craibstone in Aberdeen as the site is about to be redeveloped. It has served the association and college well for over a century and I have many happy memories of demonstrations performed there by Willie Taylor and Bernard Mobus.

I occasionally conduct demonstrations myself or assist local beekeepers with problems.

I produce some nucleus colonies for the association beginners every year, weather dependent.

Happy beekeeping
Just seen the forecast for your area !

Positively makes the Tamar Valley seem sub ~ tropical

Welcome !
Hello and :welcome:
You can give us lots of advice :)
Welcome. You must, without doubt, remember our forum member 'polyhive' from craibstone?
Welcome Graham.

Don't be offended by occasional heterodoxy here. Almost all are well-intentined, but having known more than a few beekeepers, you wouldn't expect much agreement!
Welcome Graham

I studied at Aberdeen.. and then left to find somewhere nearly as cold:)
Hi G40
Just along the road from you, wouldn't mind a visit to see a glen in action. Let me know if you're doing any demos this season.