Queen Bee
But he knew nothing about varroa.
Or anything else to do with bees and beekeeping.
But he knew nothing about varroa.
Or anything else to do with bees and beekeeping.
I work for a Bio Tech company and have been awarded a grant to look into Bee health.
The grant is not large, however I have been given alot of latitude in how the study is conducted.
Like most Bio Chemist researchers I have done a literature search and database query, standard procedure to see what problems have been reported the most.
It then occurred to me that rarely do we as researchers contact and engage with 'Amateur' Bee keepers. I apologize for using the term Amateur and personally I prefer the term small scale producer.
So I have decided to try and conduct the study by contacting and engaging those of you who are small scale producers, it would be helpful if anyone interested in taking part in the study could let me know.
My main area of interest is Bee health and while I am technically a Bio chemist I am also an entomologist. So from your perspectives what have been the biggest issues in the past 2 years that have affected your hives?
Anyone willing to keep and share hive records with me? While it is against protocol to divulge the company behind our study, I am able to disclose the information privately to those that wish to take part.
My current research involves looking into new treatments for several parasites, while we are at an early phase our results so far have been promising. Please feel free to let me know what you consider the greatest threat to Bees in the Uk at the moment.