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5 frame nucs 2011

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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essex paul

New Bee
May 27, 2010
Reaction score
uk essex
Hive Type
Number of Hives
20 full and up to 20 nucs
If you would like to pre-order a 5 frame nuc for 2011. please give me your name and telephone number. This will compile a list of interested parties. The price will be £120.00. I will donate £10 to the bee keeping forum for each nuc sold anybody willing to do the same will jump to the top of the list. No deposit required. please feel free to give me a call to leave your name and number to put you on my list.bee-smillie
good evening pete,

their what we affectionately call essex mungrels. however we do select our bees for breeding. we look for good temperament, steadiness on the comb. we don't want our new beaks being scared off by bad tempered bees. had some good reports last year if you care to go back through the threads. i'm glad you think the donation is reasonable perhaps others selling nucs this year would consider doing the same. this is afterall a forum and not a for sale board.
I can vouch for Essex Paul's bees. I bought a nuc from him in July and they have been very well behaved since their drive up to Norfolk. Have only been stung once and that was totally my fault.

I would recommend them to anyone
Pauls Bees


I also like PeteS bought some and they have been like Princesses...although I was also stung once and again my fault....

Hi there,
We all use Langstroth hives down here in Hampshire. Can you supply Nucs in this format?


Simon Cavill
Fleet Beekeepers
Good Afternoon Simon,

I have sold national frame nucs to people with langstroth hives they have used a conversion kit, this is available from modern beekeeping supplies. However it is very simple and i would only order one and copy it. I would do this for but my transport packages are not compatible. I do believe park beekeeping supplies offer a langstroth nuc of bees.
Kind Regards
Hi there Paul, Where abouts are you in Essex? I live near Colchester and just want to check. Also do you have any Nucs left? Thanks Mark
Hi Paul, do you still have nucs available or am I to late? I'm a new beekeeper and getting desperate to find myself a colony for 2011, can your help. Mead
Need Nuc please

Hi Essex Paul, I am after a Nuc of bees and was wondering if you could help me out please?
Regards Lee
[email protected]
I live in the Kelvedon Area
Many thanks

Pre-ordered 2 nucs from Paul, recieved them and have installed them, picture perfect nucs what you would expect to see in a BeeKeepers book,

Exactly what was said on the tin :)

Both Nucs were very strong and transfered lovely, will do business again Paul, Thankyou for your hopitality during the collection :)

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