How can you tell that both are on one side - can only see one side of the frames
The clue is in the verb I used: "
sounds like", as opposed to "
looks like".
but even with 'Hoffman style' alternate spacers you'd have to have two in every frame just on opposite sides
This is one of those situations where a picture would speak a thousand words ...
In order to make things easier to understand (I hope) - imagine that these screws are being inserted into the sides of the frame
lugs, rather than as in the photo.
So - inserting screws into the sides of both lugs, on both sides of the frame, involves using
four screws. The problem with this approach is that one is reliant upon the position of the heads of the screws on adjacent frames 'matching-up'. If they don't, then they'll ride over each other.
My approach (when mixing DN1's wth DN4's) is to insert just one screw into the side of one lug on each side of the frame - the side chosen being that of the 'sharp' Hoffman moulding. 'Diametricially opposite' is the term I perhaps could have used.
And yes - two screws are indeed used per frame ... (instead of four).
But as Tom has written, he's tried that, but has found that this approach has it's drawbacks.
Inserting screws into the lug sides also has it's drawbacks ...