2nd Feb Webinar - Murray McGregor

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I'm sure Murray will elaborate as he's normally very generous with his time and ideas but I assumed the bottom box has a divider (2x5 frames) and the queen right side had a QE over it. The entrance could either be a sliding door that can be set to either side or on my UFE's I would be tempted to put a door hinged at the back of the porch to divert the foragers one way or the other whilst having whole width of the porch open.
Whilst the process is not actually a secret and can easily be demonstrated to others who visit, and the principle is simple, she DID learn it from a guy who I presume is the originator and is in fact a member on here and could...should he wish...describe it first hand rather than have it related second hand. I am pretty certain he will be reading this as he trained Jolanta how to do it. If he comes on and explains that is fine...if he does not I will assume he would rather it is NOT disseminated to all. Just out of due deference to the originator, not from any type of meanness with info from our side.

However, you have the principle pretty close there.
Contacted the Webinar guy no reply so far.I missed the bit on Efb which I'd like to hear.
If I remember no EFB is tolerated. Not even one infected cell. The colony is destroyed. All the other colonies in the apiary are shook swarmed into a package box for three days then shaken onto new foundation and fed.
I’m sure Murray will be along soon to elucidate
Whilst the process is not actually a secret and can easily be demonstrated to others who visit, and the principle is simple, she DID learn it from a guy who I presume is the originator and is in fact a member on here and could...should he wish...describe it first hand rather than have it related second hand.
I completely understand, but fingers crossed he will share, thank you
If I remember no EFB is tolerated. Not even one infected cell. The colony is destroyed. All the other colonies in the apiary are shook swarmed into a package box for three days then shaken onto new foundation and fed.
I’m sure Murray will be along soon to elucidate

That's at season end...ALL clinical cases are removed and destroyed at, or very close to, time of diagnosis. Even suspect colonies are taken out and culled as we do not want to wait for lab results and then have to do a long round trip after any positives are confirmed..so diagnosed AND suspected all go. Actually culled a significant number (maybe 30 orm40?) that were sampled as suspect by the inspectorate in the field but subsequently the results came back as negative (not negative to to alveii which happens a few times and are undoubtedly positives) so culled significantly more than we needed to. Contact colonies *only* are shook swarmed but after the season going into autumn or winter.

Its still all a bit experimental and I would not recommend anyone copying us at this stage. We have a broad back if the experiment all goes pear shaped...folk with a lot fewer colonies would be exposed to heavy losses if our system's efficacy varies from season to season. It is our first 'geared up' experiment this winter..so far looks good. However it is important to remember these ARE contact colonies, not clinicals...which the NBU recommended practice is actually intended for. We are bein far more severe.

Progress of the colonies currently under this regime will be reported on Twitter as normal. Units with multiple cases and thus with reason to believe that sub clinical is well established and we would be likely playing ''whack a mole' over a protracted period are now culled in their entirety, the equipment sterilized, and refilled from scratch with the product of the nucleus unit.

We are on a declining pattern, our incidence is way down on previous, and the severity is also well down, but suspect that,, as this is an EFB area now, we will meet the disease sporadically (at least) for the rest of my life. Worth remembering before folk say we are a 'dirty unit' that we DO have 4500 colonies and 1200 nucs. The national background rate in NBU figures based on the number found during inspections is 1.5% or thereabouts. That would give us in excess of 80 cases a year. Did not have that.

Yes we have EFB in our unit, but the rate is not huge and on its way down, but due to just the sheer artifact of numbers the likelihood of reaching zero is pretty slim. Defeatist or realist? Not sure yet.....but pouring hundreds of thousands into cull, replace, sterilize, and renew. Each year.
I completely understand, but fingers crossed he will share, thank you
I will defer to him except by PM on this one.
We do not normally keep secrets regarding the bees and what we do......this has resulted in me getting into trouble in the past lol, but quite happy to accept any questions on any relevant topic....unless its the one that has the answer 'I eat too many pies.'
I'm sure Murray will elaborate as he's normally very generous with his time and ideas but I assumed the bottom box has a divider (2x5 frames) and the queen right side had a QE over it. The entrance could either be a sliding door that can be set to either side or on my UFE's I would be tempted to put a door hinged at the back of the porch to divert the foragers one way or the other whilst having whole width of the porch open.
I didn't get to listen to the talk but from this description it sounds like a version of a system given a good write up in Gilles Fert's queen rearing book.
Hi, it was mentioned at the end it could be watched again online has anyone done this and could tell me how?
Log into the Scottish Beekeepers Association, go to events and then webinars (and the one from Murray). Enter your details and follow the prompts. It should link you to the webinar. I am an SBA member but presume it is open to all - opens for me.
Log into the Scottish Beekeepers Association, go to events and then webinars (and the one from Murray). Enter your details and follow the prompts. It should link you to the webinar. I am an SBA member but presume it is open to all - opens for me.
This is the page I think, enter details and follow the prompts.
Also could not log in and had my question approved. How to get recording, Anyone?
I'm sure Murray will elaborate as he's normally very generous with his time and ideas but I assumed the bottom box has a divider (2x5 frames) and the queen right side had a QE over it. The entrance could either be a sliding door that can be set to either side or on my UFE's I would be tempted to put a door hinged at the back of the porch to divert the foragers one way or the other whilst having whole width of the porch open.
Did anyone get anymore info on this?