For the last few days the landing board has been like Heathrow with bees staggering back laden. I decided to have another look to make sure there was still room for Tiger Lily to keep laying. The new sheets of foundation I put in on the 21st have been drawn out and lots of the new comb has nectar loaded. There is still room for laying but just to make sure the space isn't filled up with stores I have given them the last empty frame of 14 x 12 foundation there was room for and put a super on tonight. They can use it if necessary or not as the bees wish.
Judging by the capped brood we are in for some serious expansion soon.
I passed one full frame of nectar to my son to let him compare the weight with the frame of foundation. The difference was immense. I don't think he was expecting the weight to be so great
Judging by the capped brood we are in for some serious expansion soon.
I passed one full frame of nectar to my son to let him compare the weight with the frame of foundation. The difference was immense. I don't think he was expecting the weight to be so great