I have collected 3 swarms and ran out of boxes after the first so I had to buy a couple of new polynucs from Abelo. One swarm trooped into a cardboard box but changed its mind, came out and flew away over the rooftops.
The first swarm of the year which I collected in April has settled in, it's now in a national hive, the queen is laying like an express train and they are filling a super (soon to be two).
The shook swarm i carried out into the new full size Abelo polyhive is taking its time to get going. Seems healthy, just slow. I'm hoping to see a surge in activity soon.
The first collected May swarm is in a Paynes polynuc and actively expanding. The second was the cardboard box attempt. The third swarm collected appears to have emanated from my hive 8 as the super contents have noticeably depleted and eggs aren't being laid. No sign of any queen cells, empty or otherwise but I must have missed one hence the swarm.
I have this swarm in one of the new nucs and entrance activity is frenetic.
I culled a hive with CBPV a while ago and am not moving any bees off site for a few weeks to be sure I'm not exporting problems.
The first swarm of the year which I collected in April has settled in, it's now in a national hive, the queen is laying like an express train and they are filling a super (soon to be two).
The shook swarm i carried out into the new full size Abelo polyhive is taking its time to get going. Seems healthy, just slow. I'm hoping to see a surge in activity soon.
The first collected May swarm is in a Paynes polynuc and actively expanding. The second was the cardboard box attempt. The third swarm collected appears to have emanated from my hive 8 as the super contents have noticeably depleted and eggs aren't being laid. No sign of any queen cells, empty or otherwise but I must have missed one hence the swarm.
I have this swarm in one of the new nucs and entrance activity is frenetic.
I culled a hive with CBPV a while ago and am not moving any bees off site for a few weeks to be sure I'm not exporting problems.