I inspected all hives at lunchtime today. The bees were in much better humour than they were during the previous inspections. I suffered one sting only when one bee tried to investigate the hive tool and became trapped unnoticed between the tool and the palm of my hand.
All hives are healthy but the foraging is not providing a lot of production. Today is another chilly and overcast day so I'm not expecting a lot of nectar to be collected.
There will be honey but a lot of the supers still contain nectar which requires ripening. There is time for this but it's not going to be a patch on last year's performance
There was an unusual episode when hive 3 bees gathered in great numbers on the front of the hive and in a cloud in front of the entrance while I worked on its neighbour. I thought they were about to swarm but within minutes they all went back inside. When I subsequently inspected that hive the bees behaved as though nothing had happened and there were no signs of swarm preparation. They were just keeping me alert
All hives are healthy but the foraging is not providing a lot of production. Today is another chilly and overcast day so I'm not expecting a lot of nectar to be collected.
There will be honey but a lot of the supers still contain nectar which requires ripening. There is time for this but it's not going to be a patch on last year's performance
There was an unusual episode when hive 3 bees gathered in great numbers on the front of the hive and in a cloud in front of the entrance while I worked on its neighbour. I thought they were about to swarm but within minutes they all went back inside. When I subsequently inspected that hive the bees behaved as though nothing had happened and there were no signs of swarm preparation. They were just keeping me alert