Having been to see the available bees I bought a 6 frame nuc with a healthy looking queen and bursting with bees. Having set up a new 14 x 12 hive I transferred the dn1 frames holding these bees into it with full size frames and wax either side of them. The bees will probably build brace comb in the void but if they do its not the end of the world. Depending on their progression after settling in and having given no 1 hive a bit more time for eggs or larvae to be seen I presently plan to unite no 1 (the wbc hive) with this new colony. I will then think about selling the wbc so all my hives are interchangeable.
The new hive is sited in a sheltered spot at the end of one of the sheds. I will probably relocate the rest of the apiary to this site during the winter shutdown but I have a feeling this season isn't over for a while yet.
The new hive is sited in a sheltered spot at the end of one of the sheds. I will probably relocate the rest of the apiary to this site during the winter shutdown but I have a feeling this season isn't over for a while yet.