1:1 or 2:1 Syrup

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House Bee
Jun 30, 2012
Reaction score
Much Wenlock, Telford
Hive Type
Number of Hives
5 in National,s .
Morning All,

In your expert opinions which should we be feeding our bees 1:1 or 2:1 syrup.

Reason for asking is I have a couple of swarms and a nuc (not a swarm) which are a bit light on stores, There are no supers on the hives with the swarms in (Nationals)
The nuc I will try to overwinter , this was a late effort but has a good count of bees in and the Q has just started laying in the next few days. I will be asking which is the best way to over winter this next !

Thanks for any info.
Rise stores 1:2. Give it in the evening that robbers do not get inspiration.

5 kg sugar to one hive. IT is two full frames.

To 5 frame nuc 2 kg sugar = 1 frame food.
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Thanks for the info , I had an idea it would be 2:1 but was not 100% as we are not yet in autumn. So thats cleared that up nicely.
As stated above 5Kg (2 full frames depending on frame size) does not seem much but I suppose it depends a lot on the weather and bee activity as to whether they need a top up of with fondant ..

So that said , About this nuc !
At the moment it stands alone away from other colonies but I suppose it could be moved on top of my biggest hive for warmth (with the entrance facing a different direction to the hive below) or, I have enough foil backed insulation board to make a jacket for the nuc , Any thoughts on this ?
Just a thought, but if you find that you need access to the hive at any time you'll have to disturb the nuc. :)
Agreed ,
But that would just involve a move to the side for a few mins whilst I went into the main hive and as we are talking winter it would not be very often (maybe just to add fondant) .
However it would make more work next year when the nuc is transferred to a hive approx 15 meters away .. move it a bit each day when the time comes.
Depends on the size of the frames being used.

You may your brains.
National frame does not have essential diffrence with langstroth. Nothing goes wrong if you put 5, 7 or 8 kg. And I dk nig know what it now inside. And climate...

So diffcult out there
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In one box hive I keep rule that it must have one week food minimum. Two frames, 5 kg.

If the hive has 6 boxes in summer, it must have food store 25 kg. It is one full lagstroth.

Bees do not eate for fun when they watch TV in the evening.

If it is 3 frame nuc, it is better be one food frame: 1 food, 1 brood 1 foundation
2:1 sugar:water
Now is that metric or imperial?
Volume or weight?

How I love this time of year

Use your imperial brains...

If fhe colony has lack of food, how difficult it is to add imperial food?

And it does not go much wrong if you give this time of year 1:1 syrup. Bees move extra water off. That is all.

In Finnish forum we discuss just now, how to open 1 kg sugar package. OK, but when packages are 5000 ... I need only 600

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You may your brains.
National frame does not have essential diffrence with langstroth. Nothing goes wrong if you put 5, 7 or 8 kg. And I dk nig know what it now inside. And climate...

So diffcult out there

Take a bit of water with it next time finsky - obviously a pretty strong batch this year.

It's like peeking into a scrabble bag without glasses on!!
Morning All,

In your expert opinions which should we be feeding our bees 1:1 or 2:1 syrup.

Reason for asking is I have a couple of swarms and a nuc (not a swarm) which are a bit light on stores, There are no supers on the hives with the swarms in (Nationals)
The nuc I will try to overwinter , this was a late effort but has a good count of bees in and the Q has just started laying in the next few days. I will be asking which is the best way to over winter this next !

Thanks for any info.

Is it that time of year again... ho hum :)