“Crunchy Honey”

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The lower part of my screen on the link was occupied by a box inviting me to "Meet girls from Ukraine" with appropriate picture. I was tempted to click 'Open', but you never know where this might lead.........
I take no responsibility for ad pop ups 😬😆
This is ideal for heather honey. That’s just how some pure heather I had “set”
I’m not sure you could describe naturally set blossom honey like this. Just hard!
At the Somerset Lecture Day last week at the Food standard lecture the lecturer quite categorically said you cannot use the words raw. artisan, pure, organic and definitely not as seen at one venue, Viagra Honey!! Not even at a pop up shop.
If it carries on like this Pargyle will have to sell his honey in kilo jars just to get the description on the label! - Eric Beaumont will not be pleased 😂
What can and can't be put on a label is I suspect a little like the motorway service station issue from years back. Services were unable to advertise on the motorway signs what companies were available such and Burger King or M&S. The service stations simply remained the services from say "Charmed Rischards" to Charmed Richards Buger King Marks n Spencer".

I suspect there is not much that can be done if you name your brand "Joe Bloggs (insert description here)" Honey.

Let's be honest it's small people who will be taken to court to test the water and not multinationals with deeper pockets than the local authority's trading standards budget.
Let's be honest it's small people who will be taken to court to test the water and not multinationals with deeper pockets than the local authority's trading standards budget.
I rather doubt it ... there is so much variation between what some weights & measures will accept and what others will that I rather doubt that anyone will ever get to court over honey labels. Let's face it... there's no real benefit, the cost of brining something to Court for either party will prevent it happening. The worst that is going to happen (if you happen to find a local inspector who has nothing better to do with his time than persecute beekeepers) is that they will threaten court action unless you change your label and you, who won't be able to afford to chance your arm at court and get cosfs awarded against you, are going to give in and change your labels (at least until their back is turned !).

They don't have enough inspectors to enforce things thaf REALLY should be enforced ... let alone chasing round after a few local beekeepers. I think Laurence Edwards got the frighteners put on him and had to change his labels ....but I think his current website more than amply compensates for him having to take the 'Raw' off his labels.

I rather like his 'Made naturally by happy honey bees' strapline though ... I may need an EVEN BIGGER label.....
Laurence Edwards got the frighteners put on him and had to change his labels
To be technical: TS will serve written notice to remove reference to raw from all material within a certain number of days. I saw the document on the office desk of the honey company I work for, and TS even followed up with a reminder a while afterwards.

As far as I can make out, TS are obliged to take action if a member of the public complains - whether genuinely, spuriously or maliciously - but as Philip said, TS have limited resources and are likely to regard beekeepers as harmless and diligent and usually worth ignoring.