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  1. tkwinston4

    bees wax uses medical and balms

    Yes I only took a small amount of honey so not many cappings to deal with. I did have a load of wild comb from a cut out but I gave the lot to a school for a project they were doing on bees. I am happy to buy the stuff as long as I don't get charged silly prices. Got no idea how much wax is to...
  2. tkwinston4

    Do not open if you have a delicate constitution.

    Wish you could come down south and teach me then. I have been paying for the past year for me and the OH to do it. I finished paying last month and its a surprise for the OH's birthday. I am determined to do it because he really enjoyed our try dive. It made me cry like a big fat girl but I...
  3. tkwinston4

    Food I used to hate as a kid....

    My cousin used to eat woodlice when she was a kid!! My mums cooking turned me vegetarian! Liver and spag bol cooked a la mum!
  4. tkwinston4

    bees wax uses medical and balms

    Having read and printed off this excellent thread, I fancy having a go and giving some as xmas presents. Are there certain places that I should be looking for the ingredients? Also is there a certain grade of beeswax that I should be buying? I have seen plenty on fleabay but not really sure if...
  5. tkwinston4

    Do not open if you have a delicate constitution.

    Cant stop laughing now!!!
  6. tkwinston4

    Do not open if you have a delicate constitution.

    OMG is that really true? I start my course next year and I am dreading it already due to claustrophobia but with that knowledge I am really dreading it now!!!
  7. tkwinston4

    Food I used to hate as a kid....

    Mushrooms are the food of the devil; they should all be outlawed!!
  8. tkwinston4

    Food I used to hate as a kid....

    Beetroot, peppers, coleslaw, asparagus.
  9. tkwinston4

    clingfilm problems

    Chinese take away plastic tubs for me. Fill with fondant. Cut smallish hole in lid and line up with hole on crown board. When finished with in Spring put new lid on and store for next winter. Simples!
  10. tkwinston4

    Daft weather....

    We have some daffs that come up every year about this time but they never actually flower until Spring. I spotted them coming through about three weeks ago.
  11. tkwinston4

    Can I over winter on a double brood box?

    Thanks for putting my mind at rest DanBee :-)
  12. tkwinston4

    Can I over winter on a double brood box?

    Hi Danbee, thanks for the clear reply and for putting my mind at rest. I have to say that they have been really lovely bees, whether its the bees or the double brood set up I couldn't say but they are so calm and prolific. The extra space clearly agrees with them and after seeing your comments...
  13. tkwinston4

    Can I over winter on a double brood box?

    Reason for the question is because I picked up a wild colony in January and they have been on their wild comb and a brood box all summer because I could not find the darn queen. Anyway they were happy enough and I didn't want any honey from them so I left them too it. Finally at the end of my...
  14. tkwinston4

    Use by date

    :iagree: not worthy
  15. tkwinston4

    Use by date

    Thanks, all. Two years it is then!
  16. tkwinston4

    Use by date

    Hi all, I have done a search and it didn't really throw up much so thought I would ask the question. How long do people give for their use by date? I read that 2 years is the norm but then I saw another post that said theirs is 2020!!! Are there any hard and fast rules about it? Ta.
  17. tkwinston4

    How much wing does a bee need to fly?

    Are they like that because they are getting old? I saw one yesterday at a garden centre just like the one in the middle picture. I guessed it was because she was over worked and under paid.
  18. tkwinston4

    Winter preperations (again sorry)

    Quick question - is Thymol a preservative? Just wondered how long syrup with Thymol added will last in storage?
  19. tkwinston4

    EFB in Slinfold/Horsham area, West Sussex

    This email has been sent out as part of a 'disease alert' service to beekeepers, implemented by the National Bee Unit (NBU). At the end of each day, beekeepers will be notified if they have an apiary that is within 5KM of a new disease outbreak. Please be advised that today 08/08/2011, the...
  20. tkwinston4

    getting bees into super

    For swarm collecting I have: skep, white sheet, half a brick (for holding up the skep), secateurs, very soft brush and a dustpan, smoker, elastic bands, smoker fuel, matches, leaflets about bee swarms with my mobile number on, head torch, beesuit. Then I have my normal beekeeping equipment...