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  1. C

    Used my steam wax thingy today!

    I would say softened to a tomato sauce consistency. Quite easy to remove but had to be scraped off.
  2. C

    Used my steam wax thingy today!

    Yes. Scrape the gludge out of the grooves whilst still hot. The only thing I have to do now is to prise off the top bar that is nailed on with gimp pins. Enjoyed doing this today but got burnt shoulder in the sun:redface:
  3. C

    Used my steam wax thingy today!

    The wax started to flow within 5 minutes of the steam starting. It took about 15 to 20 mins for the wax stopping flowing. The frames came out reasonably clean but needed a scraper to remove the remainder of the gludge. Scraping whilst the frames were hot was easy.
  4. C

    Used my steam wax thingy today!

    Well, I made a steam wax extractor and tried it out for the first time today. It worked a treat. I used an old varroa floor and a brood box. Steam supplied by the wall paper stripper steam. Great success!
  5. C

    New hives ;) Yes, the weather did close in after this.
  6. C

    New hives

    Cleared some ground and established 2 new hives. Also I'm quite pleased so far so good! Non of my hives are showing signs of wanting to swarm. This time last year was a disaster for me, remember that hot weather last year, April / May? I'm about to feed the bees some syrup as stores...
  7. C

    Artificial Swarm

    Same question came up recently. Lots of help here.
  8. C

    What are these bees up to?

    Yes, they are on OM floor. 'Tis warm though. I have also thrown a super on to help keep the hive cooler. Cliff
  9. C

    What are these bees up to?

    They keep dashing in and out of the entrance in a frantic manner. Some bees are dashing / walking rapidly around the outside of the hive. Definitely not preparing to swarm, I checked them a few days ago and there were no queen cells to be seen. My guess it is young bees exploring...
  10. C

    Wax extractor using hot air gun?

    If I bought a Burco type water boiler, Could I drop the frames straight into the boiling water? How do you separate the wax from the floating crud? Its a thought if the steam method does not work. Half built at the moment! Cliff
  11. C

    Wax extractor using hot air gun?

    OK thanks. Looks like it will be steam. Thanks
  12. C

    Wax extractor using hot air gun?

    On this drizzly day, I have decided to melt down all my old frames. The plan is to make a wax extractor. I have found several ways to use a wall paper steam machine to heat the container. Wifey suggested using a heat gun as a source of heat. I have tried a search on the subject but not found...
  13. C

    Look what I have just found in my shed!

    Size is about 25mm diameter, old money, 1 inch diameter. I expect it will grow to the size of a football if I left it.
  14. C

    Look what I have just found in my shed!

    Alive now but not for much longer! :eek:
  15. C

    Bees collecting bright orange pollen

    I did the OA dribble method just after Xmas. I'm pleased that there may be brood. Outside temperature is 8 degrees in the shade but lovely and warm in the sun.
  16. C

    Bees collecting bright orange pollen

    A couple of weeks ago they were busy collecting muddy brown pollen. This week they are after bright orange. I have seen in the local woods that snow drops are out. There are a few primroses out and plenty of gorse. Does this mean there is brood in the boxes? Cliff
  17. C

    Is 2 frames of bees bad this time of year?

    Good suggestion, I think I will swap the boxes over and insulate the roof. Very quick job to do, 30 to 40 seconds with 2 of us. Thanks
  18. C

    Is 2 frames of bees bad this time of year?

    Just done the oxalic treatment. Its a lovely dry day here. Most of the hives had 4 or 5 frames of bees, but 1 hive had only 2 frames. At the end of the season they were strong and I left them on double brood. They are down below at the moment. The upper brood box is full of honey so I am...
  19. C

    7 degrees and bees are busy collecting pollen

    Odd though, only 2 hives are busy, the rest are staying indoors. Pollen is a muddy light brown colour. I live near woodland so may be catkins? There is plenty of gorse about a mile away. Cliff