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  1. E

    four frame extractor for sale

    Hi thanks for interest. I reckon it will take 4 Langstroth shallow frames, but you will need to bring some along to try to be sure. The cage is 20x30x44 cm and there is about 5cm space above the cage. The spinner is made by OBS whoever they are. Pics hopefully attached if I manage to overcome...
  2. E

    four frame extractor for sale

    Going electric so I am selling my one year old four frame tangential stainless steel extractor. Legs and tap included. Located in Wilts. £215. Tony
  3. E

    gone brood and half

    Why? Coz when I inspected today there were many more eggs/larvae in the lower super than in the BB. I've not seen HM this year in this colony, last year she was marked and easily spotted. I'm wondering if she got superseded last year with a small Q, or I was just plain clumsy at my last...
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    Wood preserver

    I use boiled linseed oil mixed with beeswax. Perfectly natural and cheap. 10% beeswax by volume. Only disadvantage is that it takes days, sometimes weeks to go fully dry. hth Tony
  5. E

    Unidentified substance on varroa floor

    just looked at mine... small rodent like hole chewed in corner of floor and lots of mouse droppings on floor.. No mites though, maybe the mice are carniverous! removed floor for a while. Tony
  6. E

    considering brood and half

    Entering 3rd year, I'm not at all driven to maximise honey yeild, more like to minimise workload. (I am LAZY) At present my 2 colonies seemed to have survived the winter, and today were flying well and bringing in pollen. They overwintered with a super on top of the brood box. (nationals). I...
  7. E

    OSR in October??!!!

    yep, it was mustard, thanks for the pics. Tony
  8. E

    OSR in October??!!!

    Drove into Salisbury this morning, 3 huge fields of osr in flower just to SW of the city. Am I going insane?
  9. E

    tree colony

    No way to get a cherry picker or anything machanical there. I'll be using a triple extension ladder. It's about 50% bigger than a football I'd say. 3 of us are going to go for it when I get back from Holiday in a couple of weeks.
  10. E

    tree colony

    ok links should be there now
  11. E

    tree colony

    Hope the pictures come through.... This colony is 20' up the tree. They will clearly not survive the winter. Any ideas on how to remove them? Our plan is to frame the comb, and hope to get the Q in the procces, but I am minded to get a generator out there and use a bee vacuum first to collect...
  12. E

    Drone laying Queen replacement

    ok decision made. I'm not prepared to risk time and money trying to save the colony by buying a queen and feeding them up to survive the winter. Much better methinks to concentrate on the two booming colonies I have, get them through the winter and make increase from them next spring. Tony
  13. E

    Drone laying Queen replacement

    Thought about that but the colony in in quarantine. It's a feral colony that I got a few weeks back. I guess the queen did not survive.
  14. E

    Drone laying Queen replacement

    Just looked through one of my colonies to find a dlq. It was an emergency supercedure due to loss of Q. Is it too late in the season to replace the Q? any reccomendations on where to get one? Thanks Tony
  15. E

    Honey Yield per Frame?

    During my last extraction I weighed each frame in order to balance the extractor. (First time I did this, highly reccommended, it's easy and the extractor liked it a lot!) On an 11 frame nat super I was getting 1.8 to 3.7 lbs per frame gross weight. It yeilded 20 lbs Honey. (I did not extract...
  16. E

    A/S help and advice needed

    Something I've heard from experienced beeks time and time again, If the QCs are capped, you won't stop them swarming.
  17. E

    purple pollen

    Great picture, closest yet. Could well be it. thanks
  18. E

    purple pollen

    ok thanks for the replies, wish I'd taken a picture as the pollen was so vivid (almost radioactive!) in colour that it matches nothing I've seen from the kind replies. When I go for next weeks inspection I will take a camera. Tony
  19. E

    warming cabinet

    fermenting.... now that IS a good idea! Tony
  20. E

    purple pollen

    Any ideas? Linseed maybe?