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  1. F

    wasp v bee sting apparatus

    At a winter meeting the speaker, whose name I can't remember, touched upon this subject. He said that there are small barbs on wasp stings and the reason the wasp can remove the sting without losing it, is that the Tergite plate holding the sting is much more strongly attached to the abdomen of...
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    Had a pine national from F Planet some years ago, good exercise in trying to keep it together due to extreme warping of unseasoned timber. Bees happy as there are numerous entry points
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    How high can you stack supers?

    All sealed frames should be removed to make up supers of fully sealed frames. these are taken away from hive for extraction whenever. You only need supers on the hive that you hope will be filled. Energy, and reduction of crop results when fully sealed supers are left on. More for them to keep...
  4. F

    first real sting behind ear. ear swollen

    did you mean peas, more hygeinic!
  5. F

    plastic frames

    tried these for some years tend to buckle in hive heat twist when being lifted from box, find that comb is rather 'wild' I have gone back to wood frames
  6. F

    Who keeps bees on an allotment?

    Currently have eight colonies on my site, in centre of a large stand of wild cherries. Cause no problem and centre of interest for all allotmenteers. canal cutting at rear of site, railway cutting half mile away. large cemetry nearby and tree lined streets all around. Get good crops of honey...
  7. F

    2 National hives stolen in Inkpen, Berkshire

    I quite understand the feelings of the Gun fraternity in preferred methods of dealing with these subhuman gits. Having held tens of firearms for some forty years I advise caution when expressing some of these, understandable, thoughts. Last inspection of my security arrangements, was told that I...
  8. F

    Bees in roof

    Are you a member of local association? Many people there who will help
  9. F

    Has anyone tried this?

    I read about this method in an old copy of Bee World in the 1970s but don't recall it saying the Q has to be clipped.
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    Mobile phone masts

    I took my Basic exam in 1976. The bees were directly under a pylon and were good as gold. Still got the pass certificate, still learning though!
  11. F

    keeping dead queens

    Petit Fours? Remember a delicatessan in Brum selling seasoned Bumble Bees. Went out of business. I never bought the barbequed Sparrows on skewers either.
  12. F

    Weather Warning from Devon?

    The move from Birmingham Central Library to the new Library of Birmingham necessitates the throwing away ( literally ) of 20% of reference stock, paid for by local taxpayers. With a stock of over one million books this means 200,000 books that the improved new building cannot house.
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    Weather - snow forecast for weekend

    BBC weather forecaster the other day " so some of the rain may fall as snow " so that's alright then.
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    Will the bees clean out mouldy pollen cells?

    They are nearly all FEMALE and what do females do? Clean.
  15. F

    Have I lost a colony?

    went to allotment hives on Sunday, one had a couple of bees a minute flying, noticed air was thick with bees, one hive had bees pouring in and out and clustering around entrance. This hive (poly) has half the entrance filled with propolis. Checked an hour later and all quiet. I think there is...
  16. F

    Are our bees 'enslaved'

    We are all 'enslaved' because we are alive. Nothing on earth can live without other things dying,from bacteria upwards, we are all interlinked in a chain of life that relies on death for our survival. People talk of the 'balance of Nature', there is no such thing. Life means that everything...
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    Wood types??

    How many people know that that Western Red Cedar Is not a cedar? It belongs to the family of Thuga, an evergreen conifer.
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    Two Questions

    who seals up or insulates the many wild colonies that exist? We seem to be rather anthropomorphic with our bees they can do pretty well without us, and will continue long after we are gone, if we don't bugger them up with our 'civilised technologies'
  19. F

    Bee Pooh

    Is it a relative of winnie the pooh?
  20. F

    Ban on re-using jam jars

    Does this mean that I cannot reuse saucepans, plates, knives and forks or anything connected with food? Very expensive if that is so.