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mike to try and give you some perspective on the posts above and am guessing you would like to try some cut comb.
you can certainly make yourself some from wired foundation but indeed as suggested above the best will come from thin starter strips with the resulting product made entirely by the bees. Thin cc foundation in general will give better results in terms of max production in particular if the flow at the time is a bit iffy......i have the odd time been forced to get my fix of comb honey by using a a wired frame and indeed the thick midrif is not great but wont kill you...simply scrape back to this or remove once mashed on your bread, obviously you would not be expecting any paying customer to do this.....if you want to try some wired then simply lay the frame on a chopping board as you would normaly and cut around with a good knife...wire on the top bar edge is normaly held firm so cuts easily......the loops on the bottom bar can pull out uncut as the are not held firmly...snip these loops if needed then simply using pliers draw the short sections of wire through, so you are pulling the wire horizontal to the midrif and not out through the cells/cappings..just ensure that all loops/bends are cut or it will make a messs.
so if you have a frame you want to try this year for yourself go ahead.....if you are going to produce some next year go and get some thin foundation sheets for cc...good luck
Thanks for the information Ian. I realise that if I want to produce CC I will need to use wireless foundation. extracting it would be difficult otherwise. Your example above confirms it.
The way things are heading, I won't even have an over wintered colony next year, never mind any CC or any type of honey. I do want to produce CC for at least myself in the first instance but possibly to sell as I think it might go down well but I just need to get a working colony first. Crawl, walk, run. In that order. :rolleyes:
Thanks for the information Ian. I realise that if I want to produce CC I will need to use wireless foundation. extracting it would be difficult otherwise. Your example above confirms it.
The way things are heading, I won't even have an over wintered colony next year, never mind any CC or any type of honey. I do want to produce CC for at least myself in the first instance but possibly to sell as I think it might go down well but I just need to get a working colony first. Crawl, walk, run. In that order. :rolleyes:

Mike i have a colony here that was two weeks behind the one you got and i had to put them in a full size box today as they are on Five frames of eggs and brood..from the same bees again as yours.. something is not quite right and i would love to have a look at them for you or let someone else in your association have a look..if the Queen is failing i will give you this colony because she certainly is not failing in this colony and you can splat that Queen and unite the two colonies..;)
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Makes a pleasant change/.
But thanks for the further pleasantries Mr. Trollargyle.
Your suggestion that perhaps I don't even keep bees will be treated with the total contempt it deserves which is similar to the way I hold views about you. If you insist in giving advice on matters you have obviously never experienced than expect that others who have experienced these matter's might disagree with your erroneous "book" opinions.

The beeless comment was not directed at you ... neither were my comments about rubbish being posted, you clearly keep bees, you clearly have experience. If you kept your unproductive thoughts and snide remarks to yourself the forum would be a much better, less troll fuelled, place.

Your opinions of me matter not one jot .. unlike you I've never had the need to change my forum name as a result of being banned for just the sort of things you accuse other people (usually unjustly) of being involved in.

My comments are always based on personal experience .. I'm the last person to follow the 'books' and I do keep bees.

There's more than me fed up of you and your mate on here making unpleasant posts ... the mods were right when they banned Thymallus etc. for life - it's just a pity it did not seem to stick.
The beeless comment was not directed at you ... neither were my comments about rubbish being posted, you clearly keep bees, you clearly have experience. If you kept your unproductive thoughts and snide remarks to yourself the forum would be a much better, less troll fuelled, place.

Your opinions of me matter not one jot .. unlike you I've never had the need to change my forum name as a result of being banned for just the sort of things you accuse other people (usually unjustly) of being involved in.

My comments are always based on personal experience .. I'm the last person to follow the 'books' and I do keep bees.

There's more than me fed up of you and your mate on here making unpleasant posts ... the mods were right when they banned Thymallus etc. for life - it's just a pity it did not seem to stick.
You where once a decent person on here but for some reason you have turned into a turd.. i was going to blank you like i previously have but the silly things you type like above make my skin crawl..
I will help anyone and i have helped you.. regardless of that ignore my posts and don't drag me down to your current level of nonsense..
Peace Out.
There's more than me fed up of you and your mate on here making unpleasant posts ... the mods were right when they banned Thymallus etc. for life - it's just a pity it did not seem to stick.

Have you not yet realised I only respond in kind when prayers like you attack me in their posts?
If you can't be civil then how can you expect a civil reply?
Mike i have a colony here that was two weeks behind the one you got and i had to put them in a full size box today as they are on Five frames of eggs and brood..from the same bees again as yours.. something is not quite right and i would love to have a look at them for you or let someone else in your association have a look..if the Queen is failing i will give you this colony because she certainly is not failing in this colony and you can splat that Queen and unite the two colonies..;)
Thanks Steve. You have been a great help in getting me off the ground. As I said in the other thread, I will see what comes of this one and go from there but I appreciate the offer and might take you up on it if things don't settle down. It might have been the change of scenery but time will tell.
What’s the matter with you two?
You’re even beginning to sound like each other ;)

Nowt wrong with us. A turd is a turd no matter how many ribbons you wrap round it. Would you accept stuff like that being written about you without responding in kind?
Although I have to say I suspect you would be more diplomatic....:sunning:
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Is it possible to keep the thread on track and people who want to troll eachother can you do it quietly in a corner.
What’s the matter with you two?
You’re even beginning to sound like each other ;)
This hurts me can you not see why i reply with defensive posts.. from now on i will just crack on and only read and reply to folk who need helpful information,,i will not post anything i do ever again..

P.s one is Very clever.. the other does not have a clue..
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Is it possible to keep the thread on track and people who want to troll eachother can you do it quietly in a corner.

You’re new here? ;)
And that was said tongue in cheek.
It’s possible to ignore it when it’s done you know.
I do..... except sometimes I just have to have a pop :D

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