wire diagram

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Queen Bee
Feb 18, 2010
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Ok i have been sent this but dont have a clue what it all means.Ideas anyone.
Why start a new thread?

That's for reversing a motor, did you want to suck water off a building into a bucket? :rolleyes:


Even translated into Chinglish by Google it still means bugger all.

You need to find out if the contacts latch in one state until another signal is sent to reset them to another state. If they don't then its not going to work without some additional external components.

Did you buy it off ebay? if so what did the listing say?
Yes i got it from ebay.Here is the write up.

This is a high quality wireless control, and it's easy to install
You can turn on or turn off the receiver with transmitter(remote control) from any place within a reliable distance
The wireless signal can pass through walls, floors and doors
There is a slidable cover on the remote control
There is also a hook on the remote control. It's easy for you to carry
It uses fixed coding, stable and reliable
Operating Voltage: DC12V
Maximum Load: 10A
Operating Frequency: 315 MHz
Receiver Sensitivity: -100dBm
Encoding Type: Fixed code
PCB Size(L x W x H): Approx. 55 x 40 x 17mm(2.2 x 1.6 x 0.7 inch)
Remote Control Size(L x W x H): Approx. 55 x 30 x 13mm(2.2 x 1.2 x 0.5 inch)
Package Includes:

1 x transmitter
1 x receiver
Keywords: Switch, remote control, wireless remote control switch, remote control switch

The most i could get it to do was run and only stop whilst holding the button,once i let go of the button it starts again.lol
I have to laugh just a wee bit. You said that you had been sent it, as if it had arrived unsolicited and you didn't know what it was supposed to be.

A look at the other side of the board might have been helpful too, but K1 and K2 are relays. But I take it that the points of K1 and K2 refer to the contacts rather than the coil. Three points suggests a single pole changeover, with the pair of relays being used for switching the circuit for motor reversal, as has been ascertained already.

Good luck. I prefer to buy something with a data sheet that lets me know what I'm buying into before I part with my hard earned.

With limited information you restrict the possibilities of strong answer.
"Operating Frequency: 315 MHz"

...Illegal in the UK and the rest of Europe

Try this

12v battery positive --> fuse --> DC12V+ --> COM2

NO2 --> pump +

12v battery negative --> DC12v-

12v battery negative --> pump -

don't link any of the pads on the circuit board

Now test

What happens to the pump when you press each button?

What happens to the pump when you press and hold each button?
Thanks for all your help so far,but i have taken it to the electrical fixer mans shop :D
If they can't do something with it i can send it back.
I was not aware of the 315 Mhz
should i not use it because of this.what would this do ?

Thanks WB
Probably nothing, but anything like that in the UK should use round about 433MHz or 868MHz which are effectively a pair of unlicenced frequency allocations designed for remote controls like car alarms, garage door openers, central heating controls etc.
Just got back from electronics shop and it needs
another relay fitted to make it work.so they are fitting to the van
tomorrow @ 30.00 pounds cost.
I'll have a fiver on it being a latching relay with a set and reset coil
They could not get it to work properly so did not charge me,of which i thought was good of them.I am sending it back or going to try.
Go back to message 5 above and report back what it does.

Depending on the result it only needs about a tenner to get it to do what you want
I have just tried it on a PC 12v Fan and if i press and hold the button it will stay on
but if i let go of the button it goes Off.It will not stay on unless button is held :(
OK that is good progress

Before changing any wiring what happens if you press the other button (on its own) ?

(hopefully the fan will only run when one of the two buttons is held)

Now try this

12v battery positive --> fuse --> DC12V+ --> COM1

NO1 --> fan +

12v battery negative --> DC12v-

12v battery negative --> fan -

don't link any of the pads on the circuit board

Now test again

Does it now respond to the other button?
Yes it will only run with 1 button pressed.
I will try the next step in the morning as it's a bit late.
Thanks for your help .
Now the same happens when holding down
A button.I'm sure on last test it was B button.I can. double check latter.
First test ,B button
Second test ,A button

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