Be wary of statistical artifacts from reporters with small numbers of hives. Not in any way to demean them as no losses is very good, however, taking fairly normal losses into the equation, a 3 hive reporter (profile number given) should experience one colony death every 3 to 5 years, so there will be a significant number of beekeepers all over the land using a variety of methods who will be able to put their hand up and say the same.
Of considerably greater significance statistically is the reporter on this thread who states that all 35 of their colonies are alive and doing well. Seriously impressive. To have no deaths and no duds in that number is better than anything I can achieve. I DO have apiaries (a few) with zero losses (so far) this year, but to say all were doing well would be untrue, as there are some colonies in every group I would not describe that way, and we still have the queenlesses and DLs to find.
So, what THAT reporter did to get such a result is actually of great interest.