white pollen/powder on the head

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Thanks for that most of my hives have near enough full supers of honey and also as I'm broad/half . The Half's have stores to but hardly any in the brood box I wanted to leave as many stores as possible . I've been blessed this year by the weather and very helpful assocation members with queen's advice ect.. my second season but first honey crop and the 🍯 is being consumed very rapidly...
I'm going to uncap stores nadir supers for a week then remove. Treat for varroa with apivar.
Winter preps next ..

Why are you doing that? They are on brood and a half so no worry about getting brood in a super and their honey is where they want it, capped and ready. Nadiring means they have to do all that work again, while defending stores at the entrance from Wasps etc. With stores above them, they have until the end of Ivy to stock the bigger combs.
I don't do any inspections after July

Lazy sod :)
Still waiting for a couple of virgins to get mated and laying..they will need checking. Several hives on the moors need a close watch cos they can clog their brood boxes with heather honey, so need to know what is going inside so I can provide room for their winter bee laying.
Don't anticipate stopping inspection until late September...although they won't be weekly ones now. But as required to manage them.
Fair point about moving stores there's not much ivy up here so I won't get any flow from that. There's rosebay willow herb still flowering brambles, gorse . And thistles . Some heather to . They will move stores down then if they need them?
Mine don’t
Nothing capped is moved, it’s eaten as needed
I put uncapped frames over a crown board with a two bee space hole then they do.

I'll give that a try it seems less invasive cheers. I only inspected twice in July . And without having to feed sugar they will only be weighed after treatment for varroa . I feel a bit redundant .

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