Well, I expected flack and I got it. Fair enough.
In post 12 I tried to sum up what had been suggested and asked a question. But from that point on I got no answers.
Perhaps the term mentor is a little strong and I should have found a more appropriate word. The guy I paid to supply me with a theory and then practical bee course was what was meant. He is not my first port of call because he has a living to earn and I would chose to contact him only having established that I really do need to disturb him.
If my attitude seemed cavalier then I'd say you have taken my posts more lightly than they were meant. Not much I can say there. I have a hive in what I see as imminent danger and I have to leave the country. I was looking for the best option. Far from disregarding advice I followed it to the letter! I was absolutely for purchasing a nuc and combining it with my hive. Three separate beekeepers told me that was a poor choice and so I installed a frame of eggs as suggested here and elsewhere.
So what did I want from the forum. Thats simple... experience. When someone asks what to do they will obviously get conflicting advice. Th onus is upon the receiver to sift through it and to decide a course of action. That makes sense. So the first couple of posts said "you can do this" and it helped. But then the post degraded into chat, off topic, all lads together chat. That was what I referred to when I said it was less than helpful.
Of course I'll get slammed for this post to and such is the nature of the beast. I'd simply say this to all comers in this post and every other asking for help.
Does your post - in response to a request for help - assist the requester in some way?
If it doesn't then why are you posting?
Post 21 above from Ely. Its subjective, inflammatory and it adds nothing at all. Hombre, your post, while critical, at least seeks to ascertain what the issue was. Look back up to the start of the thread and you'll see that the posts start out actually trying to help. Keep going through them and you'll see the help element reduced.
So what do i want? I want what everyone asking for help wants. Just help. Thats not spoon feeding, its not having others raise your bees for you and its not condescending remarks that seek only to please the poster.
Maybe i have it all wrong. Maybe I should ask for help, get three helpful messages and half a dozen that don't help at all and consider myself lucky. Fair enough.