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do it now, I put empty supers under my heather colonies, removed them this week, about six inches of comb built under brood box.
Mine are off. You don't need a fine day. If it's cold the bees will be up top anyway and you won't see any on the floor. What I do is get a new floor next to the hive, lift the brood box onto it. Take the nadired shallow away with the old floor, slide back to original position.
Just don't do it when it's raining ;)
I shall be doing my first inspections of the year in the next week.
I will take off the nadir boxes then, if the bees aren't too stressed.
If they are, I'll leave them till next time.

I shall be doing my first inspections of the year in the next week.


Can you have a word with Him upstairs please, Dusty?
First inspections the last three years have been April 3rd, April 1st and April 6th.
This year only cold and showers are forecast for the next two weeks.
Well, I'll try.
But I'm only licensed in the Church of England....
......and you're in Wales.

I'd suggest JBM on the grounds that th de'il looks after his own!
But then I recall that he's some sort of Nonconformist - and not just denominationally!

Well, I'll try.
But I'm only licensed in the Church of England....
......and you're in Wales.

I'd suggest JBM on the grounds that th de'il looks after his own!
But then I recall that he's some sort of Nonconformist - and not just denominationally!


I'll have you know that my uncle Gomer was a moderator in the Methodist church, many of my family were Anglican priests in the eighteenth and nineteenth century and a distant cousin is the current catholic archbishop of Melbourne - got all bases covered :D
I'll have you know that my uncle Gomer was a moderator in the Methodist church, many of my family were Anglican priests in the eighteenth and nineteenth century and a distant cousin is the current catholic archbishop of Melbourne - got all bases covered :D


I notice there's no mention of the Orthodox.
Hence your dislike of matchsticks and solid floors!

Mine are off. You don't need a fine day. If it's cold the bees will be up top anyway and you won't see any on the floor. What I do is get a new floor next to the hive, lift the brood box onto it. Take the nadired shallow away with the old floor, slide back to original position.
Just don't do it when it's raining ;)

The thing with the bees being up top is when i last took the cosy of to add fondant over the feed hole the crown board was covered in bees, loads of them took flight and a fare few killed themselves trying too sting me through the bee suit.
Up through the feeder hole or out of the entrance?
Through the narrowed down feed hole, the food is on the crown board under the double thick cosy with a square hole cut out of the inside layer to accommodate and feed without compromising the insulation, as i said earlier the crown board was covered with bees which where feeding on the candipollen and i would say it is full of them now feeding on the fondant.
as i said earlier the crown board was covered with bees which where feeding on the candipollen and i would say it is full of them now feeding on the fondant.

Mine are the same. They over wintered on a deep and 2 supers as I want to raise queens from that hive. They have all migrated upwards and vacated the deep. I was going to swap it back this weekend but weather has taken a turn for the worst.
Through the narrowed down feed hole, the food is on the crown board under the double thick cosy with a square hole cut out of the inside layer to accommodate and feed without compromising the insulation, as i said earlier the crown board was covered with bees which where feeding on the candipollen and i would say it is full of them now feeding on the fondant.

You can avoid an exit of angry bees by sliding the fondant container over slightly and putting the full one next to it so bees have access to both. Remove the empty one the next day and replace the insulation.
The bees are already on the crown board though Erica, rather than faffing about i will just leave it where it is, if they want to go brood and a half they will have the space, i would rather do that than have more Kamikaze suicidal bees attacking me.
Through the narrowed down feed hole, the food is on the crown board

It would be best if the food container was upside down and over the hole, so the bees don't have to search for it. Something to remember for next time?
It would be best if the food container was upside down and over the hole

Ah....I presumed it already was.....sorry