When to add supers

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Rose of Jericho

New Bee
Jul 25, 2010
Reaction score
Brittany France
Hive Type
Number of Hives
Nice warm morning today in Brittany so I thought I would check the ladies. Several; were out flying and coming back with pollen. Our Dafs are out and the hazel is laden with blossom.
I thought it would be a good idea to clean the varoa board which we have not checked for a couple of months. There were possibly a dozen on the board but I will check again next Sunday. We have a feeder of fondant on the roof board so I thought I would check that but little seems to have been taken. however checking the feeder and replacing the Varoa board brought a large number of slightly pissed off bees out to see what was disturbing their sunday morning!

Was interesting watching them for a few minutes as there were more than I expected from previous observations. So when should we consider putting on a super?

Some seem to suggest a varoa treatment in spring is a good idea?
I would say when you have bees on 7-8 frames.
That would give you 3-4 frames of stores,thats stores of honey not winter fondant.

If you have 3-4 frames of fondant I would remove a couple and give them a couple of frames of foundation and keep the frames of stores back for winter feeding.

*Please note I was replying to the posters location in France not the uk..
Regards a Varroa treatment I use winter OA so dont treat in the spring so others may be able to chip in and help.
I was going to ask about the varroa treatment in spring. When is the best time?
I was going to ask about the varroa treatment in spring. When is the best time?

up till last year with spring getting earlier and earlier I would have said apiguard on at 1st March but it has been to cold in the last two years and would be too cold for the apiguard to work, however your bees are really starting to breed new bees now so your varroa will also be multiplying

so perhaps in two weeks time depending on the weather being nearer 15c in my area but i would not think necessary if you have done your oxalic correctly
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Thanks mm. I didn't treat with oxalic so will need to put on a tray of apiguard - IMHO! Will wait a couple of weeks and see what the weather is doing.
Some seem to suggest a varoa treatment in spring is a good idea?

Apiguard is usually the autumnal treatment followed by oxalic about Xmas. Any specific reason for not using oxalic? Some use Hiveclean in spring. I've never considered it.
I would think very seriously about a thymol based product in spring unless you want honey supers with thymol flavioured honey in them, if you used it in the autumn you know how strong the smell is and that is if it is warm enough to vaporise. In some cases the queen goes off lay and that will slow down spring build up.
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