i know it's probably the wrong thing to do, but I added a super today. Reason, I have been feeding syrup and BB looks full of syrup with little space for the queen to lay, we do after all still have ivy to go and possible still 4 weeks of gathering. Also found an open queen cell, which I destroyed, even though late could they still be thinking of swarming. Hive is an AS I did on 21st June.
Yep, been on the courses, local bee inspector made a helpful call for a couple of hours recently so great support all round, but still make mistakes! Forum is a big help too.Do you have a mentor? Lot going on there.
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Plan to start Apiguard treatment today, probably a bit late as takes 6 weeks and told shouldnt feed during this time. Also plan to move two supers below brood boxes for feed during winter.
Yep, been on the courses, local bee inspector made a helpful call for a couple of hours recently so great support all round, but still make mistakes! Forum is a big help too.
Plan to start Apiguard treatment today, probably a bit late as takes 6 weeks and told shouldnt feed during this time. Also plan to move two supers below brood boxes for feed during winter.
What is one of those.Thought I would try a Robo block so popped that in last night. Put it on the anti robbing setting. Bit of a traffic jam but they sorted themselves out.
Put my last bit of honey into some jars from my newest colony that I crush and strained yesterday. Very dark honey indeed.
What is one of those.