What did you do in the Apiary today?

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Nothing. Raining all day, but got heavier when I got to the allotment.

All hives active, with the biggest very active despite weather.

Annoyed as insane to get my large nuc into a full brood box.
No bee hive activity for me today, wind and rain are lashing down, although the bees are still out visiting the "watering hole".
Managed an inspection of my parents hives yesterday, all in all a bit of a disaster with 2 of the three hives, but I am sure we will all learn from the experience.
Yesterday, checked my hive with the old girl in ( AS). They were so well behaved I could have inspected them dressed as the Naked Beekeeper!
No bees flying here today, rain of biblical proportions; I have just popped down to put some feed on the two swarm hives.
No bees flying here today, rain of biblical proportions; I have just popped down to put some feed on the two swarm hives.

Rain finally stopped half sevenish....fed last three hives with some 1:1. The strongest has eaten its way through the best part of three supers of spring crop, the weakest had zero stores on store frames. All hives/AS/nucs/swarms being fed at least lightly now.

I see on "the other side" a swarm being fed by a beekeeper who says the last time he fed a swarm was 1976 :(. But the other side needs sunglasses and headache pills these days.
Sunday was damp so I was only chatting about bees...

Saturday though was a grand day and I inspected a hive from which I lost a swarm from back in May... (Think I already lamented my errors with that hive here a while back but in summary, i broke down QCs instead of doing an AS (lesson learned). QCs were then built on 2 day old larvae and when I did my 7 day inspection I found capped QCs and the Queen had swarmed. :( )

Happily I found eggs and larvae during Saturday's inspection, a fair amount of stores (no need to feed at the moment) and spotted and marked the Queen. Temperament was really improved and I'm waiting to see if HM's daughters are as dark as their mum!

Also went through four hives belonging to a mate - two of them have charged QCs - royal jelly and small larvae in a couple of cells. Will be going back to do an AS on both tomorrow evening and to check a few more of his hives. May also be making up a couple of Nucs ready to accept some virgin queens.
not worthynot worthyFirst day I was out of bed since Thursday - throat infection. Fed bees. All prior syrup gone: it has rained cats and dogs all weekend. Bees now doing mass exodus to phacelia/borage/wild geranium and to watch A Murray on TV.bee-smillie

One hive (small) was being robbed: sealed it up for all am and then cut down entrance with grass. Seems to have reduced robbing (so far)..
Fixed a national brood box I am building. I made it too wide and had to chop 1cm off the sides to leave a proper bee space and not a chasm between the sides and the frames.

I got inspired by watching hedgerow pete’s videos and decided to start to knock together a wee nuc from some old bits of ply.

Watched the bees at the hive entrance for a while. Pollen going in adn I even spotted a couple of Drones returing. The must have been at the singles bar (Drone area) for the day.
Today I marked 2 new queens, put my jenter frame in my breeder nuc to take on the smell etc, fed a nuc, made up 15 apideas and just watch Coronation Street!
Fixed a national brood box I am building. I made it too wide and had to chop 1cm off the sides to leave a proper bee space and not a chasm between the sides and the frames.

I got inspired by watching hedgerow pete’s videos and decided to start to knock together a wee nuc from some old bits of ply.

Watched the bees at the hive entrance for a while. Pollen going in adn I even spotted a couple of Drones returing. The must have been at the singles bar (Drone area) for the day.

went to a freind's apiary were i had 3 mile nuc to find one hive in the process of swarmimg, unable to contact anyone i returned my nuc to my apairy and also thought the same was going on there but it was only hundreds of bees that had been cooped up for days on orienteering flights

looked at what equipment i had left and managed to cobbled together a hive which included a cottager pitched roof, heavy pine 14x12 division box and a home made tube varroa floor and a mix of 14x12 and standard frames I then took it all to the apiary

when i got there, i thought that swarm is not going to fit in my carboard box ,so borrowed a very large bucket from a builder

shook them off and most went in the bucket but some stuck too high up so walked them in close to the tree and then went for a pint ,returning with my friend later to find them all tuck up in the hive and then we relocated them on a new stand

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Went to collect a kayak trailer getting lost ;) very near Wynne Jones on the way "home" and spending rather too much.....then dropping past 18 of our breeding group apideas at a remote mating station (or best approximation) - the first has a laying queen :D
Transferred my rammed six frame nuc into a national brood box. It was really, really full, so the bees I had seen outside on Sunday morning probably were unable to get in, but as under a buddleia, were well catered for.

Very good natured this swarm (at the moment at least) and coped well with my cack handed and sore backed transfer into the national. Full of brood, stores and pollen, they now have four more frames of foundation to draw out. Whacked a dummy in as I'd not got another frame, popped the crown board on and closed up.

Quite confused by the end were some of them, though the entrance had moved only about a foot and was in largely the same orientation.

Looked in 'colony 2' to see lots of drones, drone brood and little stores. And no HM. Will wait and see if this turns out to be a Q getting used to her pipework.

Colony 1 doing OK. Still a bit feisty, but not as angry. Almost two full supers and no doubt a good deal of stores downstairs as well. Didn't bother breaking the brood, as there are numbers of bees and plenty of pollen going in. I don't need to see it, they don't like me going in, so I didn't. Everyone's a winner.

Added another super (all foundation, alas) under the other two as I will be away from Saturday until the following Thursday.

Lovely evening in the apiary, left just as the sun was setting.
Got called to a swarm on tree.. Was a good size and jared 15 lb of honey 4 local shop
Moved one colony to a Demaree arrangement to curb swarming and complete a switch to 14x12. Failed once more to spot and mark HM, but she's still laying.
Spent a few minutes in the early morning sunshine watching all the bees heading off to forage. The sun glinting off them made it really easy to spot in which direction they were heading. They were all heading up the hill behind the house - I might take a stroll up there with the dog this evening to see what's in flower.
Watched the bees out and about at 7am this morning. They catch the early morning sun so were up early. It was around 13 degrees at the time.
Watched the bees out and about at 7am this morning. They catch the early morning sun so were up early. It was around 13 degrees at the time.
I thought 7 am had been removed from all time pieces the day I retired :D
Air schedules being exempted of course :).

Watched my bees this afternoon (first time for days weather has been so bad)
Also transferred a 14x12 nuc into a full sized box on a new-fangled floor (bees were struggling to get in and out via the small round entrance !.)
Confused them a little , some still are :rolleyes:.
Waxed up a set of 14x12 frames (working outside WoW!).
Two bees investigating the foundation , met and promptly engaged in a fight to the death !
What was that all about ? I have observed bees bounce each other off forage but this scrap was for real and resulted in death for both ! They were both mortally wounded so I helped them on into the next world .
This new floor admits bees at about the third frame ,except I work the cold way !

John Wilkinson

Yesterday afternoon I did some gardening around the back of the house and left the garage door open. When I finished at about 5 o'clock I went to put my tools away I found the garage full of bees! bee-smillie Drat, they had found the couple of super frames with some set OSR. The ones on my work bench that I was about to scrap and salvage the wax.

I eventually got my garage back at about 9 o'clock, when they all went home.
I put the frames in a big plastic bag and made sure there was nothing else around to attract them back.

Today at 2 o'clock phone call from Mrs Starflex - " a swarm has just pitched up and has settled on the garage door!, what are you going to do about it?"

It is now hived in the spare 14 x 12 I had ready for a nuc that is doing rather well, and was going to be re-hived at the weekend.

So, it will be a trip down to £hornes to see Lyn about another hive! You never know what is coming next! :svengo:
Spotted my queen for the first time today having housed my new nuc at the weekend. Not having seen her during transfer, I can now sleep at night. :)