Queen Bee
And secondly, which year is red?
This year, or from a beekeeper who marks all their queens red to make them easier to see.
And secondly, which year is red?
This year, or from a beekeeper who marks all their queens red to make them easier to see.
Hived a swarm yesterday, heard the freaky sounds of queens piping from a hive on the way back to the house, kept a special watch on that one today, enjoyed their swarm during the six minutes of sunshine in Sussex at 2.30 pm, and had the great surprise of a swarm swooping down onto a weeping birch from seemingly nowhere at 4.00 pm!
Hived them a little later and noticed a red marked queen running up the ramp with the throng.
This brings up two questions: I was under the impression that colonies do not choose sites where there are quite a few colonies already in residence. Perhaps they did not mean to stay? Or they like the idea of competition,
And secondly, which year is red? They came from elsewhere as none of "my" queens are marked.
Forgot to mention that I bought a small boat the other day to get round my hives.
Interesting if this years Queen, either someone was very quick of the mark or something strange has occurred.
I find that swarms often choose to "home in" on where there are other colonies and will even set up home in a feral situation a couple of metres from an existing colony. I saw three feral colonies or "escapees" the other week in one roof and I know of other feral colonies in groups of three or four. Obviously a previously used location, hive or cavity is always an attraction.
Bit soon to have expected her to mate IMHO and virgins are notoriously elusive (especially in my neck of the woods ) give her some peace to get her dancing shoes on.
Successfully collected my first ever swarm from a neighbours bush
Thanks, let's hope for this year, then.
It would be lovely if she was five years old.
Successfully collected my first ever swarm from a neighbours bush yesterday lunchtime.....hooray!
Nice handy height for a swarm!
phnar phnar!
Jenkins and Park Ranger .... I have no idea what you mean!!