Wet frames with uncapped contents

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I have found that the best way to store wet/damp super frames is to remove them from the supers and store them in an old upright fridge or freezer. Firstly you can freeze the frames for a couple of days which should kill a lot of stuff and secondly for the rest of the winter there is absolutely no danger of mice attack or wax moth in the frames which will be next years drawn super comb. I have also found that if you wrap two frames in a half sheet of the Daily Telegraph this mops up any runny honey. Unwrap in the spring and refill the super with the frames.
Mine are in a stack in the shed. I went through them yesterday to move some frames from MB boxes into new wooden supers.
I never bother freezing mine.They were all fine.
Just put the wet frames back in the supers - stack them with a blank board or crownboard top and bottom - cinch them up with a couple of hive straps and leave them until spring (I have mine under cover but in an open sided shelter).
From my own experience last season, I put wet supers (partially filled frames) on early and the bees emptied and cleaned the frames as they used the honey as a spring feed.

I'm not guaranteeing this will work every time and some thought has to be given to when to put them on but it worked for me!

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