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House Bee
Sep 2, 2012
Reaction score
Rainham, kent
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What's the average amount of honey that's extracted from an 11 frame super?
How long is a piece of string?

Seriously can vary quite a lot. The limiting factor on the top end is having 11 frames as the comb can't be drawn out too far!
Just so happens that today for some mad reason decided to start some records regarding supers pre extraction and after extraction. Obviously caught the sun. I extracted three supers, 11 spacing, 10 spacing and 9 spacing.

The 11 spacing was 19.3 kg frames and super at 65%capped pre extraction and 8 kg when extracted. The average best full frames were 1.64kg and empty .50 kg. After extracting the eleven frames I had 11kg of honey and it would have been more say 12.1kg had all the frames been the same as the average best frames.
No problem Mike, hope they are filling plenty of supers for you.
Put the third on weds. Will look to extract the first two once the hipcup with the brood in the first one has all hatched and been back filled
Brood in a super been there, done that Mike and not deliberately by removing a queen excluder this year. Looking good for two supers and perhaps the third ?? but if only part filled you can let the bees have it for winter stores.
Its a strange thing but you don’t forget your first honey.
Yeah it would be great if they filled the third. The weather is great atm and there's a good flow on. Not to far from me is a large area of brambles and one path the bees take is in that direction so I'm hoping they're making the most of that.
If I had a part full super and was to feed that back to them for winter is it best practice to place under the bb so they take it upstairs?
What's the average amount of honey that's extracted from an 11 frame super?

I get between 17 and 24 lb of honey from WBC supers with 9 Manley frames.

That's 2-2.7 lb per frame. I think Manleys will hold slightly more than 11-spaced frames though.
The comb may be deeper on wider spacing but overall there is little or no difference. ITLD recommends the same spacing as for brood frames.

The shallow brood could go under now, she will continue to use it for laying and the bees will soon shift that honey upstairs.

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