Scouting is the desired effect?
Sorry PBee. I must be having a dense moment because I can't quite figure out your post, i.e. whether you are asking the question or making a statement?
Scouting is the desired effect?
More of an observation ..... the repeated keywords lead to the business end.
I agree with AdrianSmith on the general point.
That's fine. Let wasps have their way and allow hives to succumb. I've already posted to that effect, i.e. I believe wasps improve bee fitness by weeding out weaker colonies. But what do you say to the beek who's desparate to save their hive?
I have to say that I put up with a lot of flack on this forum despite taking great care to act within its rules. I sacrifice hours of my time for your collective benefit and trust me, the two or three dozen traps that I might sell each year to bee keepers isn't worth this kind of indignation.
"Wasps: Just live with them?"
Breath taking ignorance!
I would say reach for your wallet ...... and quickly shove it deeper into the back pocket ...... it's called IWM - integrated wallet management.
Control of robbing by bees or wasps is mostly about hygiene of apiary and environs, and preventative management. At this time of year minimal opening (or leaving open) of hives, feeding only when necessary and at night, and reduced entrances on weaker colonies is good practice.
If the robbing is in progress, reduce the entrance to one beeway and if they are still not able to defend then shut up completely and remove to a cool place for a day. Replace just before nightfall and monitor the following day etc.
King Julian-esque! ........ 'Hurry up ... before we all come to our senses'![]()
Still didn't change the sense of indignation I felt at being told I should be ignored as though I were only on forum to 'profiteer' from my contributions. Not just that but the post was unidimensional (it is afterall a bee keeping forum) without regard to the wider health impact that wasps have.
Hi Karol, you were quite right to feel indignant and I do appologise for that unnecessary dig.
As you say, this is a beekeeping forum, and I'm quite happy to display a "breathtaking ignorance" of age-old human-health aspects of wasps. We're all ignorant of something![]()
One of the reasons I like this forum is that "angst" is shared and an experienced beek can come along and put the angst it to bed.
I made the observation that my hives get inspected by wasps daily; wasp traps of any efficiency aren't going to change that; and it really doesn't matter until they find something to exploit. That helps my stop worrying about solving something that doesn't need solving. If someone else says "Oh yes, I agree", than that's the forum being useful.
Obviously, if you do have a problem then you're in a different situattion and need to do something.
Is discussion of high/low efiiciency wasp traps helpful, or is it feeding peoples angst?
So, roughly speaking, how long before the wasp problem recedes?
So, roughly speaking, how long before the wasp problem recedes?
So, roughly speaking, how long before the wasp problem recedes?