warm, humid and showers incoming.

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May 5, 2013
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North London
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Later this week it is looking likely that we'll get warm and humid weather moving up from the continent with showers mixed in... could bode well for lime! Thought I'd give you the heads up ;)
I think we're getting all the showers today in one go - it's absolutely pouring down and has been all morning, with no sign of it letting up before evening. And the bees are still flying!
The lime is looking good, the flowers should open later this week I reckon just as the warm weather and humidity arrive. I live in hope.
I couldn't do anything with my hives today as I was in Scunthorpe Hospital for a TWoC procedure. However I could hear the rain battering against the windows of the ward. It seemed quite torrential and when I arrived home around five pm the yard was sodden so we got it here too.
Shortly afterwards the sun came out and bees set to work. Still going on now and the sun is still shining :)