I entirely agree with your comments re vegan health,
If the whole world were vegan,there would be no need for livestock?
The global warming (or rather 'climate change') if it is occuring, may, or may not , be driven (or assisted) by human activities.
For a start there are too many of our species to be supported 'naturally' by Mother Earth (naturally meaning no fertilisers, pesticides, mechanical powered cultivations, drugs, etc,etc). Secondly, wealth in many societies is still based on the number of livestock (how many goats you have etc); western societies need the farmers to keep all those animals for food products. Thirdly.....there is a lot more, but not needed here.
Now, all those herbivores produce vast amounts of methane (digestive system at both ends) and methane is about 80 times more potent at global heat retention than carbon dioxide. All adds up and compounds our (the human race) effect on the planet environment. Not even taking into account many other factors (eg habitat removal).
I am not a vegan or even a 'veggie' and am not going to change the world. It needs a bit more organising than just a few poeple realising the direction in which life on this planet is moving. Ultimate unsustainability comes to mind.
This is a beekeeping forum, so perhaps I should shut up about the effects of human activity on the planet. Likewise, others should leave the vegans to get on with their way of life, or at least go and argue the case elsewher, with those that are such fanatics (they may have a good case debating for some of their ideas).
We only need to look at apiculture and the mistakes in our recent times - moving species around the globe (some still move queens long distances - importation) causing the spread of disease and parasites. For what? Profit.
Beekeepers and the general public at large are only just realising the potential effects of a continually declining bee population. Wake up, Planet.
Every beekeeper on this forum is straining to improve our bee population. Let's all pull in that direction. Symbiosis seems a good term rather than cooperation. Not quite the right word but it shows the intent.
Regards, RAB