Varroa vapouriser info needed

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Queen Bee
Feb 18, 2010
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I am looking at other options before I go a head with building a vap of some type. I have seen those from Ukraine which are about £80 that vap a ethyl thymol oa mixture. Would this be ok to use as time right now is precious and if I can save some it would be nice.

Quote from product;

Device for smoking bees at varooz “Varomor®” can evaporate various dosage of active ingredients with appropriate solvents. Preparation of working solutions is performed according to the recommended proportions in quantities and combinations listed in Table 1.
Table 1. Preparation of working solutions.
№ Name of the remedy The active substance The quantity of the remedy The volume of solvent The volume of working solution(ml) For the processing of bee colonies,units
1 Tactic Amitraz(12,5%) 5 ml 100 ml of purified kerosene 105 ml 50-100
2 Klartan, Mauric Tau-fluvalinat(23,3%) 3 ml 100 ml of water 103 ml 50-100
3 Oxalic acid + thymol Oxalic acid + thymol 15g of Oxalic acid 10g of thymol 100 ml of ethyl spirit, 96%(t 40-500C) 120 ml 30-50

Procedure for preparation of working solutions:

The total number of chosen working solution of prepared for handlsng the necessary number of bee colonies, calculated in accordance with bee colonies on an apiary and norms of working solution according to the recommendations of Table 1, plus 20-30 grams needed for input device in operating mode.
Preparation of working solution 1: To add the needed amount of “Bipin” or “Tactics” to the proper amount of purified kerosene. When using the “Bipin-t” an insoluble sediment of thymol remains, which should not get into a working system of the device.
Preparation of working solution 2: An appropriate amount of klartan is added to the desired amount of water, if necessary, to heat in bain-marie (temperature 40-500 C) until complete dissolution. This working solution should be prepared immediately before use. Remains of the working solution 2 should not be kept in the working system of the device and before reusing it is desirable to be filtered.
Preparation of working solution 3: An appropriate amount of oxalic acid is added to the desired amount of ethyl spirit (96%), to heat stirring in bain-marie (t 40-500 C.) until complete dissolution of acid crystals. To the resulted solution add thymol, stir until complete dissolution. The working solution of the mentioned composition is well evaporated without forming crystals of oxalic acid in the system or the tube during processing.
The order of treatment of bee colonies with the “Varomor” device:

1. After filtering prepared working fluid open the tank cap (5), and
pour the liquid into tank for the working fluid (3).
2. Turn on gas supply (8) by turning the hob in a counterclockwise direction. Light the flame of the gas burner pressing the gas ignition trigger (9) (piezoelectric drive). Adjust the desired (optimal) mode of gas supply. The flame of the burner should not project out from the protective contour of the heater (4).
3. After 1-2 minutes, pump the working fluid by means of the lever of the pump starter of the working fluid supply (6) into the system until steady smoke from nozzle (7). Herewith the lever of the pump starter should be pulled until bumping. The lever of the pump starter is adjusted for supplying 1cm3 of fluid.
4. Enter the nozzle into the lower entrance to a depth of 1-3cm, serve in a nest of a bee colony (with power of two puffs of smoke when used the active ingredient of аmitraz or tau-fluvanilat, 2-4 puffs of smoke when used oxalic acid with thymol (it is not recommended to use the working solution 3 during the presence of the young virgin queen in the nest, as well as at air temperature over 300 C. In autumn in the absence of brood in the nest of bees, treatment with working solution number 3 must not be hold).
5. After finishing, turn off gas supply (8).
In summer the processing may only be carried after the last honey extract, or 45 days before the first honey extract, collecting bee bread, or 7 days before collecting pollen. Processing bee colonies is carried out directly in the hive, preferably in the evening after bees flying back from the field. In calm windless weather covering entrances when processing is not required. Whereas in windy conditions it is desirable to cover entrances for 15-20 minutes.
If there is a brood in the nest, treatment is carried out four times with an interval of 3 days. Compliance of interval of summer treatment (due to the biology of the Varoa mite) is an essential condition for the destruction of the mite leaving the brood.
In a broodless autumn period, it is preferably to carry out treatment at air temperature of 2-80 С. Under these conditions, the entire mite, that fell down having no contact with bees, dies. It is enough to hold the treatment 1-2 times at intervals of 3-4 days. Puffs of smoke is advisable to enter the nest of bees with an interval of 5-10 min. for loosening cluster of bees and improvement contact of bees of the whole colony with smoke.

It is important to use mitecatching grid during treatment with any drugs and ways. Having grids reduces to a minimum the appearance of resistant mites to a particular drug, increases the efficiency processing.

Before and after final autumn treatment, bee families should be necessarily checked on the subject of mites .
I suspect the cut'n'paste bolloxed up the table of goodies in the treatments they recommend and that it was a 1, 2 or 3 choice. Whatever, formally I think none of them are approved as shown by the VMD.

If you want to save time get an 'active' vaporiser like a Sublimox which is appreciably faster than the passive pan heater types. 30-45s per hive with no interval except to reload between hives.

PS and I'd steer clear of tau-fluvalinates unless you're sure your mites are sensitive
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Thanks but cost is another problem, keeping it down is how I manage this at present. Yes, paste did mess up a bit. It's number 3 I would be using, which is thymol oa and ehyl .
It's number 3 I would be using, which is thymol oa and ehyl .

"Preparation of working solution 3: An appropriate amount of oxalic acid is added to the desired amount of ethyl spirit (96%), to heat stirring in bain-marie (t 40-500 C.) until complete dissolution of acid crystals. To the resulted solution add thymol, stir until complete dissolution. The working solution of the mentioned composition is well evaporated without forming crystals of oxalic acid in the system or the tube during processing."

Frankly I would not recommend doing that in an enclosed space. And not do it without safety equipment.

It adds another layer of risk and danger of self harm to an already inherently risky process.

Heating OA crystals on their own is far less faff and done in the open (But safety equipment still needed).. and the equipment is under £40 new.. and less if diyed.
I will have the safety gear with out a doubt. I have managed to get this for £ 50.00 and of it works great, if not , well lol .. three only other options is£300 plus or fit heat gun. I don't have time for the slow oa treatment I'm afraid.
You must have a huge number of hives.

vmVaporizer perhaps? Going by the amount of OA 'smoke' it generates you'd only need to treat the apiary, not individual colonies.
That's a beast of a machine fatshark! Says about 8 hives per load.

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