Uniting colonies

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New Bee
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
North Fylde
Hive Type
Number of Hives
2 + 1 nuc
I have a question that probably has an easy answer, but it isn't obvious to me at the moment.
I have 2 colonies and 2 nucs at the moment, one of the nucs is a swarm I caught yesterday. I am leaving that alone for the moment.
One of my colonies is Q- and one of the Nucs is busting to move on. I want to unite the two. Now comes my problem. How to unite a nuc with a WBC colony?
I know about the newspaper method, no problem with that, my problem is physically uniting the 2, different sized boxes. Go I need another brood box to put the nuc frames into so I can put it on the existing brood or can I use a ply plate with a Nuc box sized hole in it & put the Nuc on upside down while the deed is done? (Before the question is asked, I don't have another WBC brood box)
As I said, there is probably a simple & obvious answer and someone is bound to come up with it.:rolleyes:;)
when i requeen a queenless hive with a queeright nuc,i remove empty frames from the hive leaving space in the middle.I give the hive and nuc a short burst of air freshener each ,then place the frames from the nuc in the middle of the brood box.Some people dont like using air freshener but it works everytime for me with no ill effects on the bees.
No idea unless you have a national brood box. Transfer nuc to national with dummy or cardboard, kingspan or something to blank the extra sideways space. Cut a piece of ply to cover the excess between the 2,
Perhaps stating the obvious, but first make yourself 100% sure that the queenless colony is exactly that....

Assuming you have done this, both of your options will work. I have used the plywood adapter plate, and this works fine, but generally dependent on your nuc having a removable base.

Be very cautious about putting the nuc upside down - remember the cells in the combs are tilted at a slight angle upwards, and you risk a mess, especially if there is unripened nectar in them.

Personally I'd knock up a very quick bottomless nuc box- how good are your diy skills?

Others may have easier options......
Interesting. What flavour/brand air freshener do you use as I suspect some of them could be harmful.
Interesting. What flavour/brand air freshener do you use as I suspect some of them could be harmful.

i use air wick.You are not using it to cover the bees in ,just getting the surrounding air smelling the same,then the bees dont fight.
Interesting solution using air freshener, I wonder what is under the sink?
Plumberman, I build all my own kit except frames, Thinking about it, I'm not sure if the bottom of that Nuc was put on with screws so it would be easy to replace. I must have a look.
Interesting solution using air freshener, I wonder what is under the sink?
Plumberman, I build all my own kit except frames, Thinking about it, I'm not sure if the bottom of that Nuc was put on with screws so it would be easy to replace. I must have a look.

Easy then - 4 sides, and two battens at the narrow ends to hold the frames. A lid, and off you go. If you have a spare lift, even better, but if not then you'll be able to concoct some temporary way of putting the roof on for a couple of days. Have fun.
I duck tape two wbc supers together and put the frames from the nuc in them on top of the paper and brood box seems to work for me
I knew there would be an easy way to do it.not worthy
There are 2 supers on at the moment. 10 frames come out (Weather permitting) & the brood frames drop in. Just been out & moved the Nuc it's 1st 3 feet toward the WBC.
Thanks for the replies everyone.

imo you don't have to bother about the 3ft rule if you're uniting
Even better. All I need now is good enough weather for me to open the hives. More heavy drought here this evening.

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