UN approves no-fly zone over Libya

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House Bee
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
preston. Lancashire
Hive Type
Number of Hives
30 + 25 nucs
Britain and France set to launch Gaddafi air strikes

The UN Security Council has approved a no-fly zone over Libya and authorised "all necessary measures" to protect civilians from attacks by Moammar Gaddafi's forces.

The vote late on Thursday was 10-0 with five abstentions, including Russia and China.

The United States, France and Britain pushed for speedy approval because Gaddafi's forces are advancing toward opposition-held Benghazi.

Follow us on Facebook Follow us on Twitter RSS The Libyan leader vowed on Thursday night to oust the rebels from their eastern stronghold.

French Prime Minister Francois Fillon said if the resolution was approved, France would support military action against Gaddafi within hours. The US said it was preparing for action.

Here we go again
Maybe David Cameron and his pathetic sidekick William Hague (who told us all that Gaddaffi was on his way to Venezuela) are not satisfied enough with our record of killing Iraqis. Maybe they want to go one better than what Blair and Bush 'achieved' and destroy Libya as well as Iraq.

Who is pulling the strings in this world? What group of people want to destroy yet another Arab nation?
Maybe David Cameron and his pathetic sidekick William Hague (who told us all that Gaddaffi was on his way to Venezuela) are not satisfied enough with our record of killing Iraqis. Maybe they want to go one better than what Blair and Bush 'achieved' and destroy Libya as well as Iraq.

Who is pulling the strings in this world? What group of people want to destroy yet another Arab nation?

Well, there are quite a few Libyans Who don't fancy another decade of Gadaffi rule, following 40 years of despotism. Surely that's the group of people to be most concerned about?
I don't think we can legitimately criticise the decision. I mean to attack and kill and hunt down people just because they don't want you anymore is clearly mass murder. An uprising or revolution implies equal term abilities. A well armed military does not equal the local populace with whatever arms they have pinched.

China abstained because it's human rights record is - dubious to say the least and Russia is another example. So no wonder they absteined but they could have voted against which they didn't. It's against a common moral code to just obliterate people who want change. Times are changing - Gadaffi is a relic of a changed world. What they should do is just have him taken out by special ops. Arrested and brought to trial. And they are more than capable of doing it. More than capable. Why do you think no one can find Bin Laden.
We go in destroy the military shoot down the plains, blow up the tanks, take out the air defences and heavy ground military capability……… Mmmmmm let me think then we sell it all back to the next lot again Cameron with his 50 arms dealers can be the first to visit after Gaddafi has gone.
Here we go again


Think you might want to invert your strap line for this one, Hivemaker

(darn, it didn't come up on the quote) for clarity: "The problem becomes the solution."
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If anyone has any doubts about the brutality of the Libyan regime they only need to consider what happened at the Abu Salim prison in 1996.

The prisoners rioted over poor conditions and two guards were killed. The response from the authorities was to massacre everyone in the prison. Reports on total numbers vary between 600 and 1200. The killing went on for hours using machine guns. The last few still alive at the end were finished off with pistols.
Don't be fooled by the politicians.

Just a though, we could spend the money that we will spend on bombs and planes, on food and help for the Japanese
Don't be fooled by the politicians.

Just a though, we could spend the money that we will spend on bombs and planes, on food and help for the Japanese

where's the connection between the two? Gadafi is killing his own people, is it not the international communities job to stop him?

early reports showed aircraft throwing bombs around miles off target and pilots defecting, just the presence of NATO aircraft should be enough to ground the Libyan air force which is after all the objective of a 'no fly zone'
where's the connection between the two? Gadafi is killing his own people, is it not the international communities job to stop him?

early reports showed aircraft throwing bombs around miles off target and pilots defecting, just the presence of NATO aircraft should be enough to ground the Libyan air force which is after all the objective of a 'no fly zone'

Connection is our money.
The japs did not bring it on them selves.

Gadafi has been against Islamic rule and al Qaeda who now run a strip across Africa from the islamic republic of mauritania in the west to Mali, Niger, chad and Sudan in the east.
I ride motorcycles across Africa and Libya was one of the safest countries I could travel in. It was almost impossible to travel south and be safe. When this is all over Lybia will be a Islamic state and our world will be less safe.

There are a lot of things to think about with Libya and lots of reasons why not to interfere. We just don't understand the Arab world.
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Connection is our money.
The japs did not bring it on them selves.

Gadafi has been against Islamic rule and al Qaeda who now run a strip across Africa from the islamic republic of mauritania in the west to Mali, Niger, chad and Sudan in the east.
I ride motorcycles across Africa and Libya was one of the safest countries I could travel in. It was almost impossible to travel south and be safe. When this is all over Lybia will be a Islamic state and our world will be less safe.

There are a lot of things to think about with Libya and lots of reasons why not to interfere. We just don't understand the Arab world.

so the international community should sit back and watch Gadafi suppress the uprising against him by killing those in oposition.....gotcha :rolleyes:
You did when the US went into fallujah

did I? :confused:


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