UN approves no-fly zone over Libya

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Don't be fooled by the politicians.

Just a though, we could spend the money that we will spend on bombs and planes, on food and help for the Japanese

I'm not fooled by any politicians. I would generally agree these things are only done to keep the war machine turning over, but Gadaffi has gone too far already.

That's the trouble with appeasement, though. You get people biting the hand that has fed them and then the mess needs clearing up.

The greatest disgrace is that China and Russia continue to sit on the fence because they don't want to upset the applecart. Can't work out if their position or that of France/UK/US is more two faced as the latter will happily knock the crap out of someone and then sell them arms again.
Connection is our money.
The japs did not bring it on them selves.

Gadafi has been against Islamic rule and al Qaeda who now run a strip across Africa from the islamic republic of mauritania in the west to Mali, Niger, chad and Sudan in the east.
I ride motorcycles across Africa and Libya was one of the safest countries I could travel in. It was almost impossible to travel south and be safe. When this is all over Lybia will be a Islamic state and our world will be less safe.

There are a lot of things to think about with Libya and lots of reasons why not to interfere. We just don't understand the Arab world.

So, because it is likely to become an Islamic state, it will be dangerous? If that is what people want, how can you deny them that?
another war for our troops to fight and be killed. the forces are overstretched as it is. Glad im a civiy now.

Yes, but the armed forces is a professional service. It goes where it is required and that is very clear when signing on.

Surely, the army isn't there just for fun and games on Salisbury Plain? I don't remember hearing firefighters complaining about going in to burning buildings.
did I? :confused:


Did you go into Fallujah? I thought it was just the yanks. Are you a yank?
Did you go into Fallujah? I thought it was just the yanks. Are you a yank?

no, I am not American, I am a serving member of the UK armed forces.

I'm not sure why you referenced Fallujah when you could have easily referenced the UK entrering Basra or Al Amhara, I'm just pointing out to you that you are making assumptions that I sat back and did nothing when the Iraq conflict kicked off, when in actual fact I spent a considerable amount of time in the country and was unfortunate enough to have to carry a coffin onto a Hercules
So, because it is likely to become an Islamic state, it will be dangerous? If that is what people want, how can you deny them that?

Perhaps, looking at the experience of Palestine we need to be more explicit that we promote democracy only as long as you elect people we like, help you if you elect someone we don't.
Lets not forget Lockerbie, Yvonne Fletcher and the shipload of arms to the IRA.
Perhaps, looking at the experience of Palestine we need to be more explicit that we promote democracy only as long as you elect people we like, help you if you elect someone we don't.

The pitch was well and truly queered in Palestine by the US consistently and continually supporting the Israelis even when they were breaking international law, as they still are. That said, both sides are as bad as each other.
In the posts so far although his many of his terrible deeds had been listed these had not.

Why are you so aggressive in this thread?
In the posts so far although his many of his terrible deeds had been listed these had not.

Why are you so aggressive in this thread?

I'm not being aggressive, PeterS. It was a simple question. Or two, in fact, if related.
Latest News from Libya.

You saw it here!

Latest News from Libya.

نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نقش دیوار و چشم خیره ما نقش سایه دگر نمی دان نور اگر رفت سایه. ر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نقش دیوار و چشم خیره ما نقش سایه دگر نمی دان نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نقش دیوار و چشم خیره ما

If I hear anything else, I'll let you know.....
Seems as if a No Fly Zone could be a way of having a war without invading..

1. Create No Fly Zone.

2. Destroy all the air defence buildings.

3. Destroy all the planes.

4. If the troops still shoot at civilains.... destroy their trucks and tanks. Not
supposed to shoot at the foreigh troops. "Oh, sorry we didnt realise that
those troop carriers were full of soldiers"
نور اگر رفت سایه پیدا نیست نقش دیوار نور اگر رفت سایه. ر رفت سایه پیدا دیوار و چشم خیره ما

well you live and learn, I would never have thought they'd consider that!
Well, it certainly makes my eyes go funny, light or shade, shadows or not. I think that Google translate was dazzled by it all. Not quite as polished a performance as with French, German, Spanish etc.

Was it something to do with smoke and mirrors perhaps? It's all Persian to me.

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