A month ago I profounded ten 2-frame mating nucs for virgins. Mating was late and now first workes are coming out. nucs are cold and they have only half brood frames there.
Just now I have those 2 or 3 frame nucs
about 15 pieces.
i know excactly how those nucs develope. Balsams and plants does not help nucs.
First amount of nurser bees was minumum factor and now night temps limit the nuc growth.
First rule is that brood cycle is 3 weeks. After 4 weeks brood have emerged so much that dead bees have been compesated. Then a colony has a fresh gang which is able to feed and keep warm bigger amount of brood.
the number or nurser bees rules, how much the hive can rear brood in summer.
5 frame nuc is minimum which is capable to develope to wintering colony. One pollen frame, one store frame and 3 for brood.that is a realistic aproach. And no feeding.
Don't believe that a beginner, who does know much about these things, is able to rear a wintering colony from nothing.
If I want to speed up the growt of a small colony, only way is to put a frame of emerging brood.
That amount of nurser bees are able to make 2-3 frames of new brood. Again a new extra brood frame and the hive has 6 brood frames Aften couple of weeks the hive has a whole box of bees and brood.
All this happens in one moth.
Not queens, feeding, flowers nothing can make the same miracle than amount of nurser bees.
Ok, shake young bees to the nuc and soon you do not have queen there.