Tue 26th Apr.

Beekeeping & Apiculture Forum

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Hive full of bees.
They have moved the honey up.
Queen now laying eggs on 8 frames.
Saw 8 play cups.
Hope to do an Artificial Swarm soon.
Remembered to swap the supers around.

Right Hive.
16 frames of brood
Top Super 1/2.
2nd Super 1/4.

Hope to do an Artificial Swarm soon.

Why just wait and hope? Do something about it now and be in control of the situation.

Induce supercedure cells and then go from there.

Less likely to miss a queen cell. More queen pheromone in the bottom brood box, so less risk of swarming. Fewer queen cells to deal with. Less of a rush when queen cells are found. You can choose which colony the new queen is originated from.

All ways round a better plan, I reckon.

Regards, RAB
I do have a bait box near by.
Only missed 2 swarms in 6 years and they both went straight into the bait hive.

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