tree felling qoute

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Drone Bee
Sep 18, 2011
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leicester united kingdom
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Number of Hives
15 nationals
quote for felling tree £950 for a 30+ conifer tree, about eight feet around trunk looking forward to seeing it come down its in my mother in laws back garden
Sounds about right. You will be amazed how much chip will come off it. Make sure to post some pics for me please.
shame the trunk could not be used as everything has to go thru ally cut up small , three greenhouses one shed and lots of slabs and flower beds etc
The green off a conifer is colossal, the amount of wood for the amount of clippings will be minimal!
The green off a conifer makes good bonfire fuel and the timber if stored for a year or 4 is good wood burner fuel.

been told over 70 years old and about 70 ft , the tree surgeon said its the biggest he has seen of that species . he's bringing four men to help tackle it
If you can get them to cut a few slices as they are just great for showing children and adults alike. If you are lucky and its as big as you say it may make a garden table top, providing it stays in one piece.

I have this 198 year old slice of an oak tree had it on my wall of my workshop for years, all the bits of paper are labels with dates of big events and I used to get customers to stick them on. Even though I dont have my big workshop anymore and have gone small I am just not able to get rid of it. When you look at the dates it just makes you realize how wonderful and long lived trees are.
been told over 70 years old and about 70 ft , the tree surgeon said its the biggest he has seen of that species . he's bringing four men to help tackle it

mmm >£200 each, not bad for a days work!

If it's that old and a specimen, is there a T.P.O?
It would be you who would be liable and face the fine, not the Tree surgeon. :judge:
It's the tree surgeons responsibility to check for TPO (I check whatever the house owner says). No where near £200 each when you factor in the running costs for a 4 man team plus equipment
A neighbour two gardens away has a 75ft larch. It had three trunks until last Wednesday night. Currently the top of it is lying along my garage roof.

A five foot top section had spiralled into a well pruned willow which caught it's trajectory into yet another garden.

So, I have a lot of twigs and minor wood, but the good news is that the neigbour's garage on the other side took the brunt of it. Smashed the corrugated cement clad roof and the concrete section wall nearest the tree. That and twenty years of ivy on that garage roof and 18mm ply cladding on mine left me untouched.

I could just imagine working away late in there when that lot landed, it would have shifted something, for sure . . .
I did, paddy and tree other fellers come on your mind is on a different continent just lately
mother in law rang as I was going work, so taken quick picture from houses at the back road to give some idea , 30 years old and had thirty ring on trunk , five men two days £925 here is some pics would of liked to get some from start to finish
We just had 4 like that taken down - 39 years worth of rings. We paid £2040 for three men for 3 days including the stump grinding. They also had to drag the branches 200m down our garden to where the chipper was parked, although they left all the logs up there for us to shift. They deserved every penny and all of the tea and M&S cookies that were provided on tap!!

I have sun on my garden hives now and the difference in terms of the bees flying in the sun was amazing! Leylandii should be banned! ;)

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