Transfering a colony

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In June I managed to obtain a small swarm in one of my traps. I think it was a cast as its much smaller than my other colony. Nevertheless, they seem to be doing fine with the queen laying well and they have increased in number.

Due to other commitments I have been unable until now to make a new National for them so they have been in the nuc since I got them.

I would like to transfer them to the new national which I will complete next week. At the moment, they are in a 7 frame nuc.

Would it be a crazy thing to transfer them to a national at this time of year? Obviously I will be a few frames short so will have to put some empty waxed brood frames in there to fill the national and to help with keeping them warm in the winter.

This is my plan, again, any advice would be appreciated.


Even if they are doing well they will need space for stores so transfer them straght away ideally siteing them in the same location and start winter fedding if you have not already started
Sherwood... I am about to transfer them, and fed them on syrup (ambrosia) in parallel with my larger colony for a week prior to treating them for varroa. This was then preceded with the 4 weeks of "Apiguard" again at the same time as my larger colony.

They are both almost coming up to the end of the first two weeks on Apiguard.

Many Thanks for the others who have responded as well.



Not sure how many of those 7 frames have brood on them. But if 5 or less then 1 tray apiguard is probably enough. This from the Vita site on Apiguard FAQs

14. Q: I want to treat nucs with Apiguard. What dose should I use?
A: To treat nuclei or small/weak colonies treat with only 1 x 25g Apiguard – no more than this. For small nuclei reduce this to half again (1 x 12.5g approx). Small (e.g. less than 5 frames) or weak colonies may not tolerate a 50g Apiguard dose and brood may be removed by the workers. If brood removal is seen, remove the product from the colony.
Curly and JBM....

Have been busy with work, family etc and haven't been able to see your replies until now. The thing is without being aware of your advice, the first two week Apiguard treatment concluded today on my two colonies and so I placed a new one in each of them.

The smaller colony have four packed and heavy frames and their numbers have grown considerably.

Do you think I should take the apiguard out of the smaller colony or leave it?

Bear in mind what JBM says i.e. its about the duration of the treatment - you need 4 weeks for it to be as effective as it can be, so I would take about half of the gel out of the tray and keep an eye out for brood being removed (looks like white corpses a bit smaller than an adult bee. If seen, take the rest out.