To think on....

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unfortunately Jemmy is just too nice (as I've told him more than once) he just sees the good in everyone, unfortunately the shysters he gave the benefit of the doubt to are just amoral crooks.
But his sidekick had the balls for it and should have unleashed the pack. I am not necessarily a Corbyn fan that is for sure but WYSIWYG he is.
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The Beeb never misses an opportunity to ram their indoctrination mantra at the populace, fortunately their game is up as their influence has severely waned.
Let's not forget it was the beeb and their supposedly left wing mantra who scuppered saint Corbs( who got more votes than Sir Keir, twice !) by displaying him in a Russian hat outside the Kremlin and painted him as an IRA sympathiser.
This has probably now strayed into the cupboard under the stairs territory ... I'm leaving it for now as it's all good natured and measured opinion ... just be careful people.
Oooh the tension……..😜
Watching the BBC's holocaust memorial service, what strikes me most is that most of the perpetrators probably started as normal decent people. Quite a thought. How many of us could be absolutely certain we couldn't behave the same way in the wrong circumstances?
Scary even without looking around the world at the rise of the far right again.
Rise of the far right?
And yet, the far left is responsible for killing and oppressing far more people than the 'far right' ever has. Interesting that we forget those poor souls who died in the gulags for example and just focus on the 'far right'.
I despair when labels such as these are used. Call it out for what it is. Those who commit evil. I whole heartedly agree that there is a rise in evil in this world. I think we need to be careful not to label those resisting evil as far right lest we allow evil to rise further unchecked.
Now that will require a complex reply, in the meantime, his sidekick was the business end of their partnership and their 500b investment plans in retrospect no longer seem outlandish, especially as they were actually sound investments if they had taken place.
Forgot to add, how the heck did he allow the lying creep Stasi to rise in prominence, he should have put the boot in whilst he had the political strength, bet he wishes he had now.
Corbyns 'fault ' was he thought he could appeal to peoples better nature.
Some people don't have one and are beyond redemption,
Starmer being the poster boy for irredeemable.
Can't get much more establishment than being a knight of the realm.
Curent incarnation should be sued for using the word Labour and forced to change it.
I won't be voting again until it's illegal to lie in parliament.
No I won't be holding my breath.
More people should give lib dems a chance rather than thinking they have to vote for a big party. Even if the vote doesn't count in your area, at least you aren't adding your vote to a party that you don't particularly want to vote for.
More people should give lib dems a chance rather than thinking they have to vote for a big party. Even if the vote doesn't count in your area, at least you aren't adding your vote to a party that you don't particularly want to vote for.
Ed Davey is a nightmare, in local gov they are generally quite good but as for national I don't think so. Asides which they are part of the uniparty totally in lockstep
According to Guido there is increasing wish to cancel Brexit and return to the EU 🤷‍♀️
Not in my house or anyone we speak to. They use these endless polls to try and influence opinion, from observation of comments elsewhere and in large number the opinion polls clearly do not trepresent the real world. This has repeatedly proved true when it comes to a real election.