Field Bee
Ok, so I made a few mistakes this year and I did say I would list them.
This is my catalogue:
1/ Got a crown board and a queen excluder swapped around.
2/ Tried to re-queen two very strong colonies instead of making nucs
3/ Believed someone who said you need two hives - Crap! you need 15 just to start.
4/ Squashed a queen cell before checking to see if colony was queen right.
5/ Forgot to zip up my veil, then opened up the ASBO hive (resulting in the comedy run across the hill with 50+ bees inside my veil).
6/ Filled two Apidea's with bees without putting wellingtons on, they soon found my ankles.
7/ Treating my best colony too gently resulting in me dropping the frame with the queen cells I wanted to keep killing the larvae.
8/ Went to an out apiary to inspect 6 colonies, remove supers of honey and do a split. When I arrived, opened boot to discover my bee-suit was at home.
And the most stupid one of all......
9/ Checking to see if my "Micro Jet" lighter still had fuel in it by putting it to my ear and depressing the button to see if I could hear the gas coming out, yup it still had fuel, but at least one ear does not have any hairs any more.
So what mistakes have you guys made this year.
This is my catalogue:
1/ Got a crown board and a queen excluder swapped around.
2/ Tried to re-queen two very strong colonies instead of making nucs
3/ Believed someone who said you need two hives - Crap! you need 15 just to start.
4/ Squashed a queen cell before checking to see if colony was queen right.
5/ Forgot to zip up my veil, then opened up the ASBO hive (resulting in the comedy run across the hill with 50+ bees inside my veil).
6/ Filled two Apidea's with bees without putting wellingtons on, they soon found my ankles.
7/ Treating my best colony too gently resulting in me dropping the frame with the queen cells I wanted to keep killing the larvae.
8/ Went to an out apiary to inspect 6 colonies, remove supers of honey and do a split. When I arrived, opened boot to discover my bee-suit was at home.
And the most stupid one of all......
9/ Checking to see if my "Micro Jet" lighter still had fuel in it by putting it to my ear and depressing the button to see if I could hear the gas coming out, yup it still had fuel, but at least one ear does not have any hairs any more.
So what mistakes have you guys made this year.
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