Tfring nuc to hive

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Nah, I think the OP thought through it, and after actually checking things out did the right thing. Simple really.

I did note the 'slow build up' between collection and requeening. My comment would likely be 'not surprising if it was a secondary swarm'

A couple of weeks to mate and come into lay (a bit dependent on the weather, of course, but would likely be within that time-frame, steady start to laying (ex virgin)and three weeks before any brood emerges, so entirely expected (guessing whether the queen was a virgin or not, but a swarm in a nuc, apparently not on many frames was unlikely to be a prime.

Now she is obviously restricted for laying space and OP can only really remove one frame of stores. No contest. Needs more laying space for brood.

All the bits fit nicely.

Regards, RAB
All in all a well discussed, argued and implemented action, which i hope we've all come out of the wiser, albeit with the odd repeat - what the Romans invented forums for I believe? :)
I'm about to do the same. Got a nuc that is on the point of filling all frames, they're going into a full brood this evening. The space is packed out with celotex, and they'll have room for 7 frames rather than 5. I would imagine that hive with 2" of celotex at each end will be warmer than the wooden nuc they are in now.