How reliable is it to assume that bees taking in pollen have a laying queen in the hive?
This is just to satisfy my own curiosity really. Have a hive that has no queen and despite introducing a queen which was killed and putting in frames of eggs I did not see any sign of a queen present after all my efforts. I was fairly certain they had a suicide wish and after 4 attempts to requeen have fairly much given up any hope that they might come right.
Today I was checking a hive beside this hive which is queen right and they were both drawing in lots of pollen. Some very dark brown and some from ivy.
I didn't have my suit with me and as they have been very cranky anytime I opened them to insert the queen or the frames I just walked away.
I know it's not a fail safe way to know of the state of the hive but just curious to know what peoples own views are.
How reliable is it to assume that bees taking in pollen have a laying queen in the hive?
This is just to satisfy my own curiosity really. Have a hive that has no queen and despite introducing a queen which was killed and putting in frames of eggs I did not see any sign of a queen present after all my efforts. I was fairly certain they had a suicide wish and after 4 attempts to requeen have fairly much given up any hope that they might come right.
Today I was checking a hive beside this hive which is queen right and they were both drawing in lots of pollen. Some very dark brown and some from ivy.
I didn't have my suit with me and as they have been very cranky anytime I opened them to insert the queen or the frames I just walked away.
I know it's not a fail safe way to know of the state of the hive but just curious to know what peoples own views are.