Swarm questions

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Field Bee
Jan 11, 2018
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I have been away for the weekend and so have only just got round to checking my swarm bait hives...
14x12 6 frame poly nucs nothing happening


My small wooden std 5 frame nuc had bees in and out last night and again today, so this evening when no flying I have just checked inside and there are bees but how many I do not know... the nuc is 10feet up a tree the other side of the road to my house. I got the ladder out and lifted the lid. There were at least 50-100 bees on the underside of the lid. As I did not have any kit on I shut quick and nearly fell off ladder as got a couple of stings...

So I do not know how many are in there. There is 1 old drawn comb and 2 frames with starter strips. I will get my kit on tomorrow night after work and have a good look.
My question is if they have been there over the weekend and orintated to the box how can I move them to my hive site about 100mtrs away in my garden.

Bit excited that may have my first swarm
I have been away for the weekend and so have only just got round to checking my swarm bait hives...
14x12 6 frame poly nucs nothing happening


My small wooden std 5 frame nuc had bees in and out last night and again today, so this evening when no flying I have just checked inside and there are bees but how many I do not know... the nuc is 10feet up a tree the other side of the road to my house. I got the ladder out and lifted the lid. There were at least 50-100 bees on the underside of the lid. As I did not have any kit on I shut quick and nearly fell off ladder as got a couple of stings...

So I do not know how many are in there. There is 1 old drawn comb and 2 frames with starter strips. I will get my kit on tomorrow night after work and have a good look.
My question is if they have been there over the weekend and orintated to the box how can I move them to my hive site about 100mtrs away in my garden.

Bit excited that may have my first swarm

Sound like scouts have remained behind. They do.
If however there is a colony in there and they have started foraging you are going to have to move them 3 miles away but I reckon a week would do.
If you did not look inside the Nuc the answers you will get to your Question will be a bit of a lotto IMO.. looking at the underside of a crown board does not let you know much however if you have a pile of bees on it that is a good indication that they may be a lot more inside.
Ok thanks...
Didn’t realise that scouts would not return to their hive at dusk.
Should I fill up with 2 more starter strip frames so it’s full? Where I live I will be able to find somewhere isolated to move it to for a week or so if there is a swarm in there....
So you were correct with your indications millet ..

I have caught my first swarm and it's not from my hive...
I kitted up lifted the lid and lots of bees, maybe 2000-3000 at a guess. They are drawing comb on 1 of the starter strips and mainly round the old comb frame. I have added 2 more frames with starter strips so now box has 5 frames. Had to remove a small piece of comb to get the extra 2 frames in.

My plan will be to leave them in place till weekend then find a secluded place 3 miles away leave for 1-2 weeks and then bring them back. Does that sound ok? Want to move them to a Payne poly nuc at some point or best to go straight to full hive when filled this wooden nuc?
Just to say did not do full inspection due to location up the tree, may need a better place when I replace.
So you were correct with your indications millet ..

I have caught my first swarm and it's not from my hive...
I kitted up lifted the lid and lots of bees, maybe 2000-3000 at a guess. They are drawing comb on 1 of the starter strips and mainly round the old comb frame. I have added 2 more frames with starter strips so now box has 5 frames. Had to remove a small piece of comb to get the extra 2 frames in.

My plan will be to leave them in place till weekend then find a secluded place 3 miles away leave for 1-2 weeks and then bring them back. Does that sound ok? Want to move them to a Payne poly nuc at some point or best to go straight to full hive when filled this wooden nuc?
Brilliant stuff , personally i would stick them into a poly Nuc and see how they expand and maybe feed them after three day's..if they look too crammed in a nuc i would move them to a full size hive, only you will know that unless you have some pictures.
Good luck..;)
Thanks millet... just so I'm clear as I am new to this would you transfer them now in same position in the tree into a poly nuc and then leave them till weekend and feed them there? I can do this but bit awkward. I will at some point need to move away as the tree is over the road from my house and hives. I am very rural so will be able to put them somewhere rural.

I was away at weekend when I think they moved in so is it best to feed tomorrow?

Thanks for the Advice
I would put them in a nuc the safest way I could and just move them to where they need to be. I would make sure they were in the shade and keep them shut up for at least 24 hrs. I would make sure the entrance faces a different way to the way they were in the tree. I would spray with water a couple of times a day through the mesh floor to ensure they had enough water. Then just open them up
They are no good where they are so just move them!
At dusk when all the flyers are back home block the nucs entrance and get them down out of the tree. Depending on how much light there is left in the sky, you can then move them to the distant temporary location . Probably best to leave it until the next morning.
As Millett said, which box you put then in depends on what you see when you open them up. All much easier to do when down on the ground. Swarms draw comb fast and they all ready have 5 frames. If the nuc appears fairly crowded I would put them into a full size hive. You can always fill up space with dummy boards. Little point moving them from one nucs into another nuc, just because one is made of poly.
The standard advice is not to feed a swarm for three days ( after they have moved in). This is so that they will use up any honey they brought with them in their honey stomach ( which could contain nasty spores and bugs etc). If you decide to feed when in new location it might encourage them to draw frames quicker. However if the new location has plenty of forage and enough foragers, they could manage on their own.
Main thing is just to get them down out of the tree and onto the ground, for your own safety.
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So that was interesting... I have this evening due to me deciding I could not seal the swarm box moved the swarm into a poly nuc and put back in tree. I got stung on the chip through the veil so did not take too long as stung was killing. I did not see a queen or eggs but they are drawing out the comb. They seemed to of filled most of the old comb frame and new comb with loads of nectar and when putting the poly back in the tree it was running out. Should I of seen lots of eggs at this stage or not? My plan is to move to isolated spot under a tree down a country lane I've found over 3 miles away for week and then bring back and see what I have.
So brought the swarm nuc back to my house last night and placed onto its new stand.... they were very calm and quiet and was not sure if they were still in there so opened the entrance and still no bees, left them for the night....
This morning by 10.00 they must of reorinitated theirselves as they were coming and going bringing in loads of pollen.
Opened them up and they have nearly drawn all 6 frames in the poly nuc and have bias. Loads of nectar fresh eggs, capped brood and very calm.
Looking to put them in a full hive middle of the week. Any advice welcome. Will I need to vape oxalic for varroa control before 're hiving them?
Quite proud of myself.
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