Swarm Lore

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Poly Hive

Queen Bee
Dec 4, 2008
Reaction score
Scottish Borders
Hive Type
Number of Hives
12 and 18 Nucs
I found this interesting.

Animals With Sense Keener Than Man's

...Speaking of insects, here is a case
which proves beyond doubt that bees
have a degree of knowledge which is
not possessed by man. A liner, the
Tintagel Castle, left Cape Town some
years ago, on her way to England, and
when well out at sea it was found that
a swarm of bees had hidden in the
cargo. These rose and settled on a
ventilator and one of the handy men
fixed up a rough hive in which the
swarm took up their abode.

A week later, early one morning, the
swarm left the hive, rose into the air
and winged their way to the east. At
the time the steamer was passing the
Cape Verde Islands, but these were
not within sight when the bees left
the steamer. Yet in some mysterious
way the insects knew that land was
within flying distance, and they made
for it unerringly across miles of salt
water. —London Answers.

Portsmouth Herald
Wednesday, April 30, 1924 Portsmouth, New Hampshire

From the Irish List.

A Southampton university team put swarm pheremone/lemongrass oil on a boats mast and took it out to sea doing research on how far a swarm would travel.

The mast was later cleaned of all chemicals.

The boat was later sold and got a swarm around it's mast 7 years later. :svengo: